Chapter 13

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"Only love can hurt like this."

Malcolm McLean

The sound of the heavy rain impinges on the earthy ground with no mercy. The rain was thunderously pelting against the bedroom window. To be honest, I felt a deep pain my chest.

It doesn't go away. It never does. I saw how I had hurt her with my words in the courtyard. I was harsh but I was still so angry.

"Malcolm, please just stop." She looked up at me with her glassy hazel-gold eyes. She was fighting back tears and I couldn't help but want to soothe away her pain.

My hand released her wrists. I dropped it down to cup her cheek. A tear escaped from her left eye and I wiped it away.

God Bella...why do you do this?

"I need to be alone." She said with her eyes squeezed shut. I should do as she says but I couldn't find it in me to leave her.

"Bella..." I whispered softly.

Her eyes opened and tears began falling. Her eyes reddened from all the crying. I cupped her cheek and kissed each of her eyes gently. Stopping her from crying. Pressing my forehead against hers, I took a deep ragged breath. The pain in my chest growing. As thunder flashed cross the now darkened sky.

"I can't leave you," I said gruffly. "I can't let you go."

She didn't say anything. Instead, her hands came down to cup my cheeks.

"Can we-can we pretend that what happened ten years ago didn't happen. That you never left me. That you and I did end up married and marked." I pleaded.

A sob left her lips and her body shook. Her hands weaved into my hair. She lifted her head and kissed my lips. I can taste the salty tears on her lips but her silent agreement was all I needed.

I let go. I let go of what I felt for and I allowed myself to be consumed by this female's touch again. It was like an avalanche of emotions. All that I have hidden and locked away came crumbling down.

A deep guttural sound passed through me as I kissed her back deeply. My tongue slipping in to taste what is mine. Everything I was holding back passed through that one deep kiss.

Tears spilled from her cheeks and I moved my lips to kiss every single one.

"Don't cry, mo gradh (my love)," I begged coarsely.

I felt her nods before I kissed my way down her jaw line. My hands feeling her every curve. Grasping her wide hips and pressing my hard erection against her sweet center. She moaned and tilted her head to the side, giving me full access.

When I found her sensitive spot on her neck I flicked my tongue over it before sucking on it. She tugged on my hair and even though it was painful I felt a rush to my shaft.

She managed to flip me over. Straddling me, she leaned down and framed my face with her hands as she kissed me. Her tongue now playing cat and mouse with mine. When I felt her pull back, I followed her. My hands wrapping around her torso. She grounds her core against my bulge and I groaned upon the sweet brush.

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