Finding you

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You start to cry, you can't take it anymore. This is insane, letting him hit you. But, you don't want to die. What about Ozzy? What is he thinking? Oh God you miss him so much just to see his face for the first time. And to kiss him, you really want to kiss him. Then, you hear the door creak open. Oh no, hes back. He walks down the stairs leisurely.
"I'm back! Did you miss me?", you say nothing he obviously knows you hate him with a burning passion.
"Well, I guess we're quiet today" he pauses "I'll fix that" he smacks you across the face. Oh when will he just stop! You just want it all to stop, how did you fall in love with this maniac!? You spit out some blood. He laughs, this man just laughs at your suffering. When will Ozzy save me? You think.
"Have you found him Zsaz!?"
"Almost, Boss we just have to make sure the house is his"
"Don't do anything until I arrive because I want to see him suffer!"
"Alright" Zsaz says. He leaves, Oswald wonders how someone could hurt such a beautiful and innocent woman like you.
Zsaz comes back an hour later.
"I got the house Boss" he says walking in to the room.
At this point you don't know whats happening. Hes hit you multiple times already and looks tired. So he just leaves, he leaves you there in your own tears and blood.
"What is happening to me?" you whisper. Then you hear him run down the stairs; he sounds scared?
"Damn it! How'd they get here!?" he looks at you.
"Was it you!? Did you bring them here!?"
"How would I!? I've been here the whole time!?" you respond.
You hear someone banging on the door. You're now a little scared, but hopeful. WHAT IF ITS OSWALD! Your eyes light up of thhe thought of your boyfriend saving you. You hear him hide behind an old bookcase. You know he has a weapon but you don't know what. *BANG* you hear them break down the door.
"Find him" you hear a strange voice say. Someone then opens the basement door, your vision is clearer now, but your eye is still busted. You see two men walk doen the stairs. You're absolutely sure those men aren't Ozzy, they look like goons. One of them walks past you, and then he attacks. He jumps at the goon, the goon's arm gets sliced by the knife, the goon the hit him with the end of his gun and knocks him out cold.
"Hes here!" the goon shouts. Then the second goon walks over to help bring that monster upstairs. When they both get upstairs you hear one of them say.
"She's down in the basement" you then hear someone run to the door. Then you hear the person waddle down the stairs.
"Ozzy is that you? Oh please tell me its you" you whisper as you start to cry.
"Its me my dear" he chokes out.
He runs to you and falls to his knees as he embraces you.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let this happen to you, I'm a terrible person. I shouldn't have let you go" he sobs out.
"You didn't let this happen, and its not your fault. I love you Ozzy" you say. He then realizes that you're tied up and cuts the ropes off your wrists. He helps you up but you fall to the floor, you're too weak. He picks you up bribal style and says,
"Rest my dear, I'll get you back home safely" you nuzzle into his neck and close your eyes. Oswald takes you to the car and sets you in there. Butch is in the car as well.
"Watch her with your life" Oswald says menacingly, and leaves to take care of some business. He walks into the house, and hes already tied up. Hes conscious at the moment.
"Hello you piece of trash" Oswald sneers.
"I saw what you did to her"
"She deserve-", Oswlad punches him breaking his nose before he can finish his sentence.
"Now you're definitely going to die today" Oswald pulls out his gun. He was going to ask him if he had any last words. But honestly he couldn't give two shits about what he would've said. He pulls the gun to his forehead and shoots him until there is no more bullets in the barrel.
"Get rid of him, leave no trace I want him obliterated" he turns to leave, but turns around.
"And if you screw this up, you'll be just like him" then he waddles out of the house to his beloved (Y/n). Oswald gets into the car and tells Butch to drive them home. When the both of you are home Oswald tends to your wounds and puts you to sleep. He gets into bed with you and brings you close to his chest and you nuzzle into his neck.
"I love you (Y/n)" he whispers to you before falling asleep.

Love At First Sight //Oswald CobblepotWhere stories live. Discover now