Chapter 40

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Jareth's POV

Everyone was finally back at Hogwarts, not the best start, but it's a start, right? Jareth and Carter walked into a carriage together with a 2 other Slytherins, one being Regulus Black and the other being Severus Snape. Such a great group don't you think. The ride to Hogwarts was awkward until Carter spoke up.

"I'm guessing you both know Jareth?" Carter asked. Jareth looked away embarrassed.

"Yes, we both do, Reid," Snape spat at Carter, glaring at Jareth.

"Why is he in here anyway? I thought you and my brother are a 'thing'," Regulus said, staring at Jareth with a raised eyebrow. Jareth was shocked.

"How do you know about that?" He asked trying not to break down at the thought of Sirius.

"Bellatrix is a loud mouth, I got her before she could tell my parents though," Jareth became confused 'Why would he stop Bellatrix from telling his parents?' Jareth asked himself. The tension slowly filled the air, until Carter spoke up again.

"Anyway, why don't we just stay on good terms. I think Jareth is going to stay with us for a little while," Carter looked at Jareth and smiled sweetly. 'I guess, not all Slytherins are bad...'

~Time skip brought to you by the starry night ceiling in the Great Hall~

Everyone was in the Great Hall and already started the feast, Hufflepuff got a lot of people this year. Jareth was trying to handle being glared at multiple times during the feast, and he knew exactly from who. Leona noticed this and looked at Jareth.

"How long do you think this is going to go on for because I just want my best friends back. Ya know? Like, c'mon all I want to do is have fun with you guys and I have to feel this tension that I have to suffocate in for who knows how long! Jareth, hun, I know you don't want to start the year off like this and you know this too," Leona said as she turned to stand up. Jareth kept eating and watched Leona walk over to the Gryffindor table.

"What are you doing over here, Hufflepuff? Shouldn't you be with your friends making flower crowns?"Someone retorted, Leona stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to glare at the Gryffindor.

"Honestly, Gryffindor, I would watch your attitude around me. Especially on a day where I don't want any more shit than I already have. So, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to talk to my FRIENDS something that you have very little of. Oh, and I thought Gryffindor was the house for the brave and chivalrous. I guess you belong in Ravenclaw, especially with that smart ass remark," Leona stated, the Gryffindor's mouth hung open. Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter all watched and tried to hold in their laughter because almost the whole house knows how harsh she could get. But, when Leona started to walk over to them, they all went back to eating and pretending they saw nothing.

"So, Sirius. What are you planning on doing?" Leona asked, going to sit in between James and Sirius.

"Leona, can we save this for later?" Sirius asked desperately.

"Sure, if later means after the feast?" Leona asked. Sirius sighed.

"Yes, Leona, after the feast..." Leona let out a small sigh of relief and smiled at the boys.

"Oh, Leona, since you are here... REMUS SHE COMPLIMENTED MY BUTT ON THE TRAIN!" Remus became really confused. Leona gasped sharply and very very dramatically.Jareth groaned from the Hufflepuff table and banged his head on the table. The other Hufflepuffs glared at him and he buried his head in his arms on the table.

"How dare you take my compliment and then get me in trouble for it?! Can't I just compliment people on how nice people's butts look?!" Leona asked desperately. Remus smiled and stood up abruptly.

"LEO! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! YOU'VE BETRAYED ME!" Remus gasped sarcastically. James and Remus both winked at Leona.

"NO, REMUS! DON'T FALL INTO JAMIE'S DEVIL TRAP!" Leona played along. Jareth lifted his head and tried to stifle a laugh. Peter and Sirius looked at the three teens as if they were crazy. But then, they heard an unmistakable giggle from the Hufflepuff table. Everyone in the 'argument' turned around. Jareth was sitting there laughing his arse off, everyone smiled at each other. But, Sirius just sat there looking back down at his food. Leona noticed this, she sat back down on the bench next to Sirius and sighed.

"Siri, come on, at least you know he's not miserable! Right?" Leona asked still watching Jareth trying to keep in his laughter. Sirius sighed, then smiled lovingly at Jareth.

"Yeah, you're right."

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