28. Ready for Take-off

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I woke up the following day too excited and too early. When tomorrow strikes, then we're headed off. I got up and went to the kitchen, thinking no one was still awake. But as I turned to the corner, Finn was already there, drinking his morning tea.

"Good morning!" He greeted.

"You're up early."

"So are you." He responded. I grinned before taking out the ingredients from under the counter. I began dicing several potatoes and then chopped some peppers into thin strips. I noticed Finn watching me from the other side of the table.

"Stop staring, boy."

"Sorry. That was rude." He chuckled softly. "But you know, it's been a while since I've met someone my age."

"Yeah I get that feeling."

"Your room, that belonged to Felmaree. She was two years younger than me."

"Oh. So, uumm, what happened to her?"

Finn stooped down and sighed loudly. "She turned. It was too late for us to save her. Your father was the most affected. He treated her like his very own. And besides, she and Mrs. Tram were the only non immunes here. It was sad how none of us could save her."

"I'm sorry Finn." I approached and patted his shoulder. He smiled faintly and nodded his head.

"You two bagel buns are early." Mrs. Tram giggled as she entered the kitchen. "Are you excited for tomorrow, (Y/N)?"

"Nervous. What if they won't accept me back?"

"Oh don't be silly." She shook her head and rubbed my back.

We spent the rest of the day preparing for our journey. Edwin, Beau and Papa were busy checking up the aircraft. Since most of the members of Quantum were soldiers, they had a spare plane with them. After breakfast, Finn and I were packing up important things while Gus and Mrs. Tram were stocking up some food and supplies. Major Lonn was furnishing some weapons just incase we encounter trouble during our trip.

After packing my stuff, I cleaned my room for the last time and brought the bags outside one by one. Papa already finished gasing up the flyer and was now packing his belongings.

"You need help?" I asked as I peeped through the door of his room which he forgot to close.

"Naaah I'm good." He replied as he zipped his bag."By the w....." He was about to say something when he looked at me but stopped.

"Shit!" He quickly stood up and rummaged through his belongings. "Thompson!?" He yelled. "Where the hell are you?!"

I glanced at the mirror that hung on his wall and sure enough, the veins were back on my neck. But they were still faintly visible.

"What's wrong?" Finn came bursting in.

"The suspension pole, NOW!"

Finn looked at me worriedly and when he saw the veins, he immediately did what papa told him to do. Papa grabbed me and let me sit on the bed while he pricked a needle on my wrist inserting another tube that was connected to a transparent bag.

"Pa, what's going on?"

"Nothing. Just be calm. You'll be alright."

"You're scaring me."

"Just relax! Keep your mouth shut."

But it seems that he was more anxious than I was. The others came rushing to the room. Papa then hung the bag on the pole and slumped back to the bed, panting heavily.

"Jesus Christ, Robin...." Beau frowned. "You always scare us when it comes to these things."

"Sorry, man. Can't risk losing her again."

"Well, we should get back to work then." Major Lonn reminded and everyone resumed their work, except for Finn who remained by the door. The new metal pole had wheels and it was easier for me to move around.

"You good?" Finn asked.

I smiled and nodded my head. "Are you finished packing?"

"Not yet. I actually need your help. If it's ok?"

I nodded then followed him to his room. It was a mess. Clothes, bags, blankets and boxes were scattered everywhere. It took a while to finally segregate everything. At 6 in the evening, we started loading our things on the aircraft. Gus and Edwin also loaded up the food and other necessary supplies and equipments for cooking since Mrs. Tram refused to leave them behind. Edwin also really wanted to bring the truck with him but the flyer was too small to carry vehicles.

"(Y/N), I need to tell you something." Papa stood beside me while I was staring at the aircraft. "Vince and I have a history of pissing each other off."


"I uugghh," He scratched the back of his neck. "I accidentally shot one of his men during a supply run before. I mean, I didn't mean to. Bastard was being a dick and, and wouldn't lend me gasoline."

"Oh dear." I said nervously. "But why shoot him?"

"I'm really sorry. I can just not come. I was...."

"No! That's not happening. Trust me papa, they'll let us in."

We then had dinner for the last time in the kitchen. They had a heartfelt conversation with each other, recalling all their memories in this warehouse. While I just listened to them. I glimpsed at Finn who had the most amused expression while laughing at Edwin's jokes. Why was he so attractive when he laughed?


"(Y/N), stop staring at the british boy." Edwin lightly nudged my shoulders. "He giggles in his sleep."

"He just reminds me of someone." I reasoned. "And, and why do you keep calling him b-b-british b-boy?"

"Dude's from Brighton. Not that you know where that is. But, you get my point."

I shrugged my shoulders and continued slurping the delicious mushroom soup. After dinner, we cleaned up the entire place and loaded up the remaining items. We slept for a few hours before our departure at 4:30 in the morning. Papa was the last to get onboard since he still needed to activate the opening from the end of the runway so the plane could take off. When the coast was clear, Edwin started the engine and Papa climbed up the ladder before sealing the door shut.

"Holy fucking shit." Edwin muttered. "It's been a while since I've flown one of these bad boys. If we crash and die, I just want to let you fellas know that it was nice knowing you."

"That was really touching Ed." Beau clapped his hands sarcastically. "Oscar-worthy speech."

The flyer was crammed up with loads of stuff, leaving few spaces for us to settle nicely. I was seated beside Finn and held his hand firmly as the engine roared louder. I looked at the metal pole that I positioned just in front of me and watched as the bag shook.

"Here we go boi!" Edwin yelled excitedly and the aircraft began to gradually take speed until it zoomed and took off towards the sky.

I looked outside the window. It was still a little bit dark but the sun was already starting to rise. We took off from a huge hole which Major Lonn mentioned was an opening to a secret military plane runway. There were still plenty of ruined buildings all around but it didn't matter anymore.

We were leaving this place, forever.

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