11. Finding Ghosts

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"Are you mad at me?" Newt asked.

"I'm mad at those s-slintheads who were trying to take advantage of you."

"I got scared. I didn't know what to do so I didn't move."

"Yeah. You just stood there like a tree."

We were now at a separate, private room far from the noise with Marcus being tied to a chair.

I leaned against a wall together with Frypan, Newt and Clint, watching Jorge beating the living klunk out of Marcus. I was still holding that bottle with that weird greenish drink in it.

"Thank you." Newt mumbled.

"What for?"

"Y'know-" He shrugged- "For making sure I won't get harmed by those random girls."

"Oh. Uuhmm. You don't....you don't have to thank me. I was just looking out for you."

Newt then only replied with a smile. It was very admirable of him to find a way to help me feel a little better no matter how tense the situation was that we always got into.

It was strange and hilarious at the same time once you think about it. Because while we were watching Jorge violently assault someone whom before he claimed could help us, Newt at the same time was being all sweet and adorable to me.

I turned to a corner and noticed that Thomas was awake.

"Talk you son of a bitch!" Jorge demanded as he threw another punch on Marcus' badly bruised face.

"WCKD wants all the immunes they can get," Marcus began to explain, "I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids in, they get drunk, they have a good time, and then later WCKD comes in to separate the weak from the chaff."

I fixed my eyes on Marcus and clenched my empty hand. This situation was definitely ringing a bell. I paced towards him. Marcus looked at me curiously and raised an eyebrow.

Once I was infront of him, I whacked the bottle on his head, earning a gasp from everyone.

"It was you!" I snarled, jabbing half of the broken piece of the bottle unto his neck. Newt and Frypan immediately grabbed me away as I squirmed to break free from their grip.

"What is her problem?" Marcus chuckled as he spat out blood from his mouth, "You are in my house, sweetheart. That's not the right way to behave as my guest."

"You son of a-" I growled and broke free, instantly lunging at Marcus, tackling him to the floor, swinging punches on his already bloody face.

He was the sadistic bastard who sold Erin to WCKD. I was losing control of myself. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands. The rest of them now helped Newt and Frypan pull me away from Marcus since I was becoming more violent and furious. I was taking out all my rage and guilt upon Marcus, hoping it would make me feel better.

"Hey, calm down," Newt muttered as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "That's enough."

I grunted and attempted to stab the broken glass piece to Marcus' neck but Minho was quick to grab my wrist midair.

"Easy there hermana," Jorge grinning at Marcus still on the floor, "I think I'll take it from here."

Minho, Newt and Aris were now holding me down. My hands were bruised and scratched from all those hard blows. When I realized that I could never overpower these strong boys' grips, I stopped struggling. They let me sit on the couch as Jeff rushed to look for something to bandage my wounds. Newt held my shaking hands as Clint massaged my forehead to soothe my temper.

The Misfire: Book 2 (Newt || A TST and TDC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now