26. Catching Up

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After what seemed to be an eternity, I slowly detached from papa and wiped the tears from my eyes. He gasped and pointed to my wrist, realizing that the tube was disconnected from my skin. He instantly scooped me in his arms and placed me back on the tub. Finn then carefully pierced the needle end of the tube back on my wrist.

"You need to stay put for a while." Papa said as he sat on the edge of the tub. "The more you move, the more stressed your brain gets."

I nodded my head, settling down. "It's getting cold."

"I know, kid. But ya' gotta endure a little longer. It'll payoff I promise."

To be honest, it was already freezing and I had goosebumps all over my skin. I just wanted a nice, warm blanket. But damn, I wasn't some brat who'd disobey my dad's orders.

"How did you find me?"

"You found....you found me first." He smiled. Finn then exited the room to give us some time together. "What the hell were you doing in the city?"

"Uugh.... I uugh.... We had to rescue a friend."

"What? Lawrence and his men are your friends?" I shook my head in response while giggling. Lawrence may have helped us, but that dude was just creepy as fuck.

"We were on a supply run when the invasion happened, watching from a distance when I saw a crazy looking girl approaching us --that crazy looking girl was you!" He pointed excitedly, "Then you just dropped on the ground. Splak! Just like that."

"I'm surprised you still recognized me."

"Oh, you're very t-t-tangible." He scratched the back of his neck.


"Means you're easy to recognize. You still look the same."

I beamed. "Really?"

"Just a lot sadder." My smile dropped.

Papa then explained that his companions and him believed that since the Flare targets the brain, the more active and prone to stress an inidividual was, the more the virus was likely to spread. The blood of an immune helped fend off the virus for a while, but eventually the effect wouldn't last long. I was lucky they found me just seconds away from being past the gone since I got unconscious, thus halting any brain activity. My body made the right move to voluntarily shut me down after leading me to that familiar presence. I was submerged in water to raise pain threshold and restore body function but it took my body longer to fight off the virus -- a week. I was of course still not cured and my immune system remained frail, which is why I needed an immune's blood in me every time.

This was also the first time I've heard papa talk more than usual. I guess he did change in some aspects. I let my right hand play with the water and sprinkle a little amount on his face.

"So (Y/N), tell me what happened to you."

I closed my eyes for a second and inhaled sharply. Then I began to tell him everything I could remember since the day I was brought to WCKD; experimenting on my brain, changing my name, life in the glade, the surge, escaping the maze, The Scorch and many more. I lost track of time, maybe I was already talking for days but he listened intently and never focused on anything except my story. Finn would causally drop by and hand some more water and snacks.

"Wait, wait, wait," Papa suddenly stopped me while I was telling him about the part where we found the Right Arm. "You know Vince?" He then made circle motions infront of his mouth. "Grumpy, bearded Vince?"

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