16. Ditch

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'Maya's PoV:

When I woke up, Thomas was sitting beside me, his hand clutching mine with a worried look on his face.

"Hey." He withrew his hand. "How're you feeling?"

I slowly sat up, blurry eyesight slowly coming to focus, legs and arms still sore. Thomas handed me a glass of water and I gulped it clean remembering how seriously dehydrated I was. So much has changed from his looks; taller and more built, and had longer hair.

"Where am I?"

"New camp of the Right Arm. We relocated."

I glanced around. "I always wake up in places like this."

The pain in my body was unbearable, increasing in every small movement, showing no signs of an end. But knowing I was with my friends, somehow, the ache subsided.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Were you just staring at me while I slept?" I replied while placing the glass on the table beside, "Creep."

"I was waiting for you to wake up."

"Where's Newt?"

"Maya, this is important. I need to talk to you 'bout something."

I sighed heavily. I knew this greenie would not give me a break. "Go ahead. It's not like I can say No."

"About Minho, what's going to happen to him?"

Taking another deep breath, at first I hesitated, recalling the times of pure terror and agony behind WCKD doors, shredding the smallest will to live we had left. I was scared. Really scared. For Minho. The guilt and horror I felt, imagining what was being done to him, every detail of how WCKD was going to torment him, imprinted in me forever.


"Ava wanted to build another maze; put Minho, Aris and others kids there. Of course I refused," I paused and pointed the bruises all over my face. "And look what they did."

"Another maze? They're putting Minho in another maze? Why the hell would they still do that?"

"They want to save humanity," I proclaimed darkly, slightly wincing at the wound on my lips, "Humanity my ass...."

"I'm sorry we couldn't rescue you earlier. It was hard having to track you guys down." Thomas admitted with a distinct serious look on his face. I knew he was up to something. "Once Vince and the others finish the ship, you're all heading to the safe haven."

I squinted my eyes and crossed my arms. "I know what you're thinking."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You're a terrible liar, Tommy."

"I'm not going to the haven without Minho." He finally confessed, scratching his head. "You should rest Maya. You've been through hell. I care about you. WE care about you."

I didn't respond and just laid back. Thomas draped the blanket over me before leaving the room. I was about to close my eyes when I felt someone enter the room. I turned and saw Newt, bringing food. He noticed that I was awake.

"Sorry love, I was just gonna leave this here, wait for you to wake up." He placed the tray on the table beside. I began to sit up again. His messy blonde hair was longer and I just wanted to stroke my fingers through it.

The Misfire: Book 2 (Newt || A TST and TDC Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora