2. Diagnose Me With Boredom

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For some reason, I was separated from the rest of the gladers.

Although Newt disagreed at first but Janson assured that I'd be fine; I just needed different treatment since I had several more injuries compared to them.

Not that it was a competition or anything.

A man dressed in white coat came with a wheeled chair. It felt weird riding those things. I turned around, glancing anxiously at Newt and the others as they were being assisted to a different hallway.

The sound of the wheels echoed throughout the gray walls as we passed by a long and narrow hallway. The man opened a room and a woman with the same coat greeted as we entered. I was assisted on a bed with clean sheets, making me feel ashamed that I just soiled them.

"Hello. My name is Doctor Ripley," She introduced, "I'm here to help you."

I didn't respond. It's not like I had any other choice. What was I supposed to do now, run away? Attack this random stranger infront of me?

"Don't worry dear, this won't take long."

I laid on the bed motionless and closed my eyes. And the next thing I knew, I was gently shaken awake and told to get up.

I had no idea how long I was asleep but I already felt that I had my strength back. I slowly swung my feet off the bed and took a step.

The pain in my foot was gone.

I gasped and looked at the doctor curiously. She chuckled and placed her hand on my back.

"We fixed your foot. It was only a minor complication. Now, get yourself cleaned up so you can have your tests taken."

She ushered me to another room and left, giving me some privacy. I stripped my dirty clothes off and stepped into the shower, turning the knob and letting the water pour down as my mind drifted into dullness.

The sensation of the refreshing, steamy water calmed me; taking my mind off things. I made use of the moment and bathed as long as I wanted. There were several colorful bottles on the shelf by the walls and I rummaged through them. I took a pink container, popped it open and inhaled its fruity scent.

I laughed at my ignorant myself while pouring a good amount of the scented cream or whatever the hell it was on my palm, massaging it on my head. I grabbed a soap and kept rubbing it all over my body until only a scrap was left.

I've never felt this clean before.

But the more I got lost in my thoughts, the more I could not help myself from feeling how suspicious this place was.

I recalled the events that occured before we got rescued and it just did not make any damn sense. Nothing was ringing a bell. I still never figured out how my body just suddenly shut down right after the doors of the griever hole were about to open, right after the surge warned about Chuck's fate. I did injure myself when a griever attacked me but I swear I was still capable of remaining conscious. I only twisted an ankle. Even falling from that stupid tree was more likely to kill me than that griever who almost pounced at Minho.

The duration of me being unconscious made me question what actually happened while I was gone. Maybe it was because I knew that Chuck was going to get killed? And the bastard who was controlling me decided to knock me out so I couldn't warn ahead. We were rescued, but why just us? Why weren't the rest of the gladers left in the maze rescued as well?

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