24. Under Siege

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'Newt's PoV:

"Well shit!" Thomas cursed as we hid for cover while the city was currently under attack.

Although we succesfully got Minho out from WCKD's holding, but jumping from a tall building and landing on a pool wasn't the best idea at all. I injured my arm from the shards of the glass wall we broke, resulting to a puncture that wouldn't stop bleeding. I was losing a lot of blood and I could pass out from shock any moment.

"Lawrence was only supposed to take down WCKD not the whole goddamn city!" Gally grumbled as people continued to bomb the streets, setting everything on fire.

I leaned against a wall and took in a sharp breath, while clutching my injured arm. Thomas was communicating with Brenda through the walkie talkie. I couldn't hear them due to the loud explosions. Minho leaned on the wall beside me, panting as well.

"Brenda what do you mean?" Thomas muttered and I looked at him. He seemed to be on the verge of crying, waiting for Brenda to reply. "Brenda? Brenda? What happened?" He asked anxiously.

There was another explosion a few meters away from where we hid.

"We need to move!" Gally demanded.

"Let's head to the tunnels." Thomas said. "Brenda and the others are there."

I couldn't wait to finally get out of this bloody city. We needed to give Maya the serum. It wasn't too late yet. There was hope. Then we could now go to the safe haven. Everything we'd been through, all those pain and suffering would finally come to an end.

We ran through the side of the streets, trying our best not to get shot or get blown off by the explosions. The once beautiful buildings were no more than ragged piles of ruins. Despite WCKD's soldiers trying to defend their city, but they could never stop these people fueled with rage and vengeance.

It was a shucking long run but we finally reached near the tunnels. A Berg was waiting for us there. The platform lowered slowly and Brenda and Frypan came rushing to us. But once we reunited, their faces weren't showing the emotions we expected to see.

"Brenda, what's wrong?" Thomas asked.

Tears began to fall from her eyes. I thought she was just relieved to finally see Minho. But those weren't tears of happiness.

"She's gone." Brenda sobbed. Frypan shook his head and stooped down.

"What? Wwwhat do you mean?" I asked. I looked at Thomas who also didn't understand what was going on.

"Maya's gone." Brenda said sadly. "She was no longer there when we arrived."

"Then where is she?" Thomas yelled and shook her shoulders furiously.

"Her chains were cut lose, man." Frypan sniffled. "The only thing she left was a writing on the wall."

"What the hell did she write?" Gally asked.

Brenda sniffled before looking me in the eyes. "Sorry, I can't fight it anymore."

There was another explosion and one of the buildings nearby came tumbling down.

"We have to go!" Jorge shouted from the Berg.

I shook my head in disbelief. No. It can't be true. She can't be gone. We were so close to making it all in the end. But it was too late. I couldn't save her, again. I dropped to the ground and cried.

"Newt, we have to go..." Gally held my shoulders and hoisted me up but I refused. "We need to go, man. We can't stay here."

I was about to punch his face since this was his and Brenda's idea to chain Maya up, when a familiar voice spoke throughout the city.

"Thomas? Thomas?"

I turned to Thomas who was crouching on the ground, his face buried on his hands. When he recognized the voice, he looked up.

"Thomas, can you hear me? I need you to listen to me. I know you have no reason to trust me...."

"But I need you to come back."

Thomas slowly began to stand up and scanned around, obviously looking surprised that Teresa was still trying to communicate with him.

"Thomas you can save Maya. I know she told you not to, but there's still time for her.

There's a reason Brenda isn't sick anymore;

It's your blood. You understand?"

I stood up as well and stared at my arm, the very part where Maya injected me with a mysterious syringe when we first arrived at the Right Arm. No wonder she was acting really unusual that time.

"Brenda isn't sick because, you cured her.
She doesn't have to be the only one.
All you have to do is come back.
And this will all be finally over.

Please. Just come back to me.

We promised Maya that we'd find a
cure for her, remember?"

Then she stopped. And we were left with silence.

"Wait, Maya's not immune?" Minho groaned as he slumped to the ground. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

I turned to Thomas. "Tommy, back at the Right Arm, she injected me with a serum. Was is from you?"

But somehow, he didn't answer, just stared at my face.

"ANSWER ME!" I grabbed his jacket.

"I don't know Newt! I don't know." He sobbed. I slowly released him and took a step backward.

I couldn't believe it at first. Was I was already cured a long time ago? Maybe that was why I was not infected despite being not immune. She saved me, gave me something that was intended for her to live. But I couldn't do the same.

She was gone.

And it was all because of me.

"I'm sorry Newt." Thomas said as he was about to leave.

"Tommy, where the hell are you going?"

"I'm sorry. I made her a promise."

"Thomas, we need to leave now!" Gally insisted.

"I have to get the cure. This is what she would've wanted."

"But Thomas, she's already gone." Brenda spoke.

"She made me promise to give Newt the cure."

"I don't need a bloody cure!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry." Thomas mumbled before running back to the building.

"You bloody coward!" I yelled all my frustrations at him. We watched as he disappeared by the distance.

Brenda held my arm and dragged me to the Berg. Vince and Jorge were there too. Clint and Jeff came running from the corner and hugged all of us, surprised at first to see Gally still alive. I eyed all the immunes rescued, somehow wishing that Maya was one of them. The two med-jacks began to bandage my injuries as I was losing more blood. I sat on the floor and leaned on a wall.

Now I had to live the rest of my life without her. It didn't matter if I passed out and would never wake up. I no longer cared. Chaos was still outside. So I closed my eyes, and allowed the darkness to take over.

The Misfire: Book 2 (Newt || A TST and TDC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now