Chapter 4

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Flashback 6 years ago...

I can't believe Ara is gone. I didn't even get a chance to confess my feelings to her.

I don't know what am I going to do this time that you're already gone.

I can't leave without you.

You're the reason why I want to live longer, so we can be together for a long time.

I promised myself and also you that I will protect you, no matter what happens and what it takes.

But I didn't grant my promise to you..

I am useless.

I leave you alone even if you're in danger.

I hate myself for being so stupid.

"Jungkook.." I look up from crying and see Mr. Song with his puffy eyes because of crying.

I sat up straight and remove my tears away from my face.

I srill remember when I used to cry you're the one who wiped my tears away.

"Uncle..." I call Mr. Song as he stared at me waitng for me to say something.

He moved closer and hugged me tightly while rubbing back.

Mr. Song or should I call uncle, is used to be like my real father eversince my parents died when iur house was set on fire. Mr. Song and my parents are bestfriends and thats why me and Ara met.

"Just let it out, son. I'm here for you." My heart flutters everytime he calls me 'son'.

"Uncle... I need to tell you something..."

"Go ahead, I'll listen." He said while he broke the hug and tapped my shoulders.

"I.....I already fell for Ara." I said while I look down, because my tears are flowing nonstop. "But... I've never got a chance to confess to her.. I was too late." I began to burst in tears again.

Mr. Song held my shoulders with a slight smile in his face.

"I already know about that.." he said while I got confused. "I can see it in the way you look at her, the way how you worried about her and the way you treated her. I really want you for my daughter. I always wish that you two, someday, will fell for each other, will get married and grow old together with the little yous running around." He said and I slightly smile at him.






When I heard that you're still alive, my hopes came back. My dark world is starting light up again.

I really missed you, thats why I need say a word about you, I missed you even more and I feel so hurt at the same time.

I really wanted to see you again, to hug you and feel your warm and presnce. I want you to be mine.


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