Chapter 2

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The next day.......

All of us are doing our work and doing our best to find her. We really wanted to help Mr. Song thats why we are doing all of this, this is also our priority and work to serve the the right person.

In the way of helping to find his daughter and bring her back to Mr. Song we can pay for all of the headache that we gave to him when we are still trainees.

I stared at the picture of Ara. I found that she is pretty, she got Mr. Song's features but her eyes was a bit different from Mr. Song maybe she got it from her mother.

She looks so familiar, like I've seen her before. Or is her face is just similar with Mr. Song that's why I'm thinking that I've seen her before.

I was lost in my thoughts. I didn't notice that I am staring at her picture for a moment.

I came back from my sense when someone calls me.

"Taehyung-ah." It was Hoseok-hyung. He is already poking me in my cheeks but still I didn't notice him.

"Oh, yes hyung?" I sat up straight.

"You're zoning out. You need to listen here." Hoseok-hyung said.

"Sorry. So.... what now?"

"We need to check first the place where she lives before she dissappear." Namjoon-hyung said and we all nodded as a response.

"Jungkook, did you know the where she hide before?" Yoongi-hyung asked.

"Yes, hyung. It's in the city of Yeochon, Belgium Street, #957." Jungkook stated. (Lol. That address is the first one to pop in my mind😂😂 -A/N)

"Let's go to that place right now and let's re-invistigate it." Yoongi-hyung said.

"Do we have any permission to re-invistigate?" Jin-hyung said.

"He's right. Do we have?" I asked in unsion.

"We have, don't worry. The police knows everything about this and they are also helping." Namjoon-hyung said.

"Come on, lets go now." With that, all of us leave. We reach our different cars then we drove away to that place.

We reached our destination and we got out of our car. The house is just simple and cozy. We stay at the outside of the house for awhile, while an middle-age woman approach us.

"Is this the right house?" Jimin asked.

"Yes it is. I've been here before when I visited her." Jungkook said.

"Ahh... excuse mister? Who are you? And what brings you here? Are you looking for a house live?" The woman asked us.

"Sorry we're not looking for a house to live, but is the owner of this house-appartment is here?" I asked.

"I'm the owner of this house." The middle-age woman said.

"Can we asked you about the incident here 6 years ago?" I asked her.

"Oh.. the girl who got murdered and then dissappear? I still remember her, that girl is very nice. Sometimes she's helping me in my cafe shop accross of this house. Did you know her? What's her name? I already forgot her name." She stated to us as she pointed at a store accross of the house, her cafe shop.

"She's Song Ara, Madam. We are re-invistagating about that incident because someone said that she is still alive and saw her somewhere else. Do you have any cctv cameras around here?" Yoongi-hyung asked.

"Oh I hope she's really still alive, that girl was so helpful, nice and pretty." She said "Yes.. up there and also outside of my cafe." She added and pointed at the tall street light with a cctv camera.

"Jungkook, when Ara got dissappeared?" Yoongi-hyung said. I can feel his instinct about this.

"March 13, 2012." Jungkook said.

"Okay. Ma'am can we go and check some of your cctv cameras that can be possibly see your house?" Yoongi-hyung asked the woman.

"Okay. But when they invistigate before, they never saw anything and said it was deleted by someone. But go on and check it again. Lets go" She motioned us to follow her ar her cafe shop. We enter her cafe shop then she lead us to a room where the security camera was connected.

"Here... go on and do your work. I'll just leave all of you here, just call me when you need something. By the way, do you want some drink?" She said.

"No, thank you. Thank you for your kindness ahjumma." We all thanked her.

"Okay. Oh.. haven't I asked your name but you didn't answer me. So what's your name?" She asked us as we introduce ourselves to her as we also greeted her.

"Nice to meet all of you. Just call me Mrs. Choi." She introduced. We all bowed at her and then she leaves to assist her customers.

"Okay! Let's do this! Taehyung, can you manage the security system?" Yoongi-hyung said.

"Hyung? Why are you acting so suspicious?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't feel that she just dissapeared like that." He said. Yoongi-hyug is a type of a person that you can't messed with. Lie to everyone but him. He's great in detecting lies or what. And no one can mislead his (hawk) eyes. He's also great fixing and unhacking any differents of gadgets.

"Yes, I can." I sat infront of the security systems.
I started to manage the computer of CCTVs.

I open each file and search for the date MARCH 13, 2012. Mrs. Choi is right, the record of that day was deleted and I found it, it was hacked by someone.

The file is not completely deleted because the one who destroyed it didn't completely know alot about those things.

I managed to fix and take it back then........

I successfully fixed it and the file came back.

-April 11, 2018

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