26 Christmas Ball

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POV Elsa

Jack and I have been coming along fine. He is still working with my new bed, the carvings that he is doing are really detailed. Mostly they remind me of snowflakes and frost. Each of the snowflakes looks a bit different than other one, just like in reality. The pillars are done but he is now working with bed legs. “You’re staring again, right?” He asks emotionless.

”S-sorry,” I whisper and turn around, his hand wraps around my wrist. “Why can’t I go to my family to spend the Christmas?” He is demanding to know it, just like every day. ”T-they are not home!” I lie to him. He still doesn’t know after these three months that Emma is now adult and he himself was gone over 15 years from his family’s lives. His hand lets go and I watch him sadly.

He goes to his bed in the corner and throws himself to it. “Merry Christmas,” he whispers and turns his back to me. “I am sorry,” I tell him but he just hums to me. I return to bathroom to get myself ready. Anna made me pinkie promise to attend to Christmas ball tonight. If I don’t I would have special auntie time with their baby, alone. Me and baby. That would be a disaster, kids don’t mix well with me.

Anna had organized this dance event to celebrate Christmas. The reason however was much different. When you check out the guest list carefully you can see that many of the invited people are single, my age men from different kingdoms. She doesn’t want me to end up being alone. I glance at the human Jack that is refusing to talk with me, he has been so angry to me lately.

I dressed myself to a purple silk dress with long sleeves that were shimmering, the dress was beaded with crystals. “S-so.. I will go to the ball now,” I told Jack when I opened the door. “Sure, have fun,” he said with sarcasm. ”You castle maiden’s at least get to have social life!” He snapped at me, he hated being in this room and I was running out of excuses. Also he hasn’t figure out my status in the castle which is really great for me. He can’t take advantage of mocking me because of my status.

“See you later, behave!” I said to him as I shut the door, he simply groaned as response. The hallway was empty. I pushed the key to the lock and twisted it, the door was now locked. No one can go inside or he will be found. I am the worst when it comes to figuring out explanations.

I walk in the corridor, towards the staircase. I hear muffled voices, people are talking and soon I hear it clearly as I step on top of the stairs. “May I introduce you Queen Elsa of Arendelle,” my servant introduces me and I wave my hand. My smile is awkward, I don’t enjoy this moment at all. My hand goes to the spot where I have sewed a secret pocket to hold the key inside of my dress. My fingers touch the place and I feel the key through the fabric.

I took a deep breath before going downstairs. The people attending to the ball were leaded inside the ball room before me. Anna came to me, “Now, use your womanly charm and get yourself a man!” She giggled and I cocked my eyebrow at her, ”Where is Leo?” She shrugged her shoulders, “Leonard is with his dad.” She smirked, “I need to get my sister paired up!”

For the whole night some men came to me and asking me for a dance. I hated it. Every second. The excuses were hard to figure out. My stomach hurts from all the drinks I have had to drink to avoid dancing. Every time when guy approached the best thing to do was to fill out my glass with refreshments. However I needed to drink it so I wouldn’t blow my cover. Anna brought few guys to me. There was a ’prince Charming’ which really makes it sound like he is full of himself. Then there was this ‘Eric’ who did some sort of music act with a whistle.

Finally Anna had to leave the party. There was no one to observe me so slowly I backed down. Parties are not for me, actually I get nervous in them and last time didn’t go well when I froze entire Arendelle.

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