I Could Not Forget You

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n years time
you won't remember
my face that loves you dearly
my eyes that adore your smile
my cheeks that yearn your touch

And if I ask you
would you tell me if
when at nightfall you sleep
with dreams of me
like I always had of you?
if the twinkling stars had
consoled you to sleep
as each tear rivulet-ed
down to the floor
as they had to me
for years?

had you thought
of what we used to be
before we had to split
and painstakingly
forget each other?
had you lingered
and pondered
if you would forgive me
for refusing to
forget you and your love?

Because until now,
I could not forget you.
your kiss still burns
my lips...
your touch still gnaws
my skin...
your gaze still tears
me apart...
your soul's still tethered
to mine...
your love that was so good still eats
my heart...


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