Mini Toss

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When were talkin bout Money,
You know we're talkin about Me,
When they goin' dizzy,
You know they seein' Phoenixlie,

When I'm talkin bout a lady,
We're talkin about MiShinnie,
When we talkin about clothie,
None of them actually fit me,

Have a boss named Katana,
When I wanna she wanna,
And this guy named Banana,
Then popped in my head was Rihanna,

East, East,
Beauty and the Beast,
Thumbs up to these,
Can't see them deceased,

Gems she sent them in my way,
Gave me my hair and she the May,
When I say May, you gonna say hey,
Watch out for us cause we are gonna slay,

Her sister named Jani,
C and A after the Ni,
She the glory cant you see?
Comparable to Lee,

In my car is Chuck,
Badass racing in my luck,
We racin against the clock,
Badass racin against this mock,

When we say Red X,
He Unrated all the X,
No fear of all the hex,
Should I leave oh why the heck?

He the King of all the Kings,
Glory shines on all his rings,
Don't be touchin all his things,
Cause wrath on you is all he brings,

Froffy she the wife,
She da' queen she's his life,
Her eyes cut me like me a knife,
Then I goin in for another strife,

Yeah, I'm playin with the boss,
Fatal Error in Mini Toss,
Equalizer get their cause,
Never gonna see their loss.


Just a playful toss of words 😆😘

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