Lead Us There

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A land was promised that belongs to us,

We will get there they say we must,

To the land you promised with fertility,

With hope that gleams with visibility,

To see through the fog,

We ask help from you, our God,

That you may help us here,

Until we reach the land not so near,

Lead Us There so we can rejoice,

Your miracles recovered my voice,

We drink from the fountain with living water,

We eat the food given by the Father,

Lead Us There so that your glory will shine,

Your gentle passion I'll never claim mine,

For the others deserve to belong here,

Your glorious mysteries, they have to hear,

Save us from our own miseries

With you, we see possibilities,

You split the seas in between,

From just mere words, you made our souls clean,

Sanctified from the amazing grace,

I've long waited to see your face,

The time isn't mine to control,

I'll wait for you, The Almighty Father of All.


Sorry it took me so long to update guys! I appreciate to the person who voted, hehe even just three votes. Tell me what you think of my poems will you? It would be super helpful.

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