Deceitful Words

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Deceitful words we always utter,
We hear each heartbreak shatter,
We feel panic with each buzzer,
But what does it matter?

When you're too blind to see,
And too weak to stand,
You can't love and seek,
You see, you won't ever understand,

Deceitful words that give me hope,
It makes my world more uninviting,
It makes you wonder why I sit and mope,
Cause my world is as bland, so unexciting,

Words just don't solve every problems,
They can make it even bigger than possible,
They're so poisonous, they kill a plant's stems,
The stems that give beauty of a person who's plausible,

I succumb to the everyday works,
Where my mind in blanketed from agony,
Or so I think, when I've done an artwork,
My mind is free from all antagony.


You know what?

 Now that I think about it, it does seem kinda' dark... but the world is full of dark things -- we just choose to believe in the light.

God, I'm so dark~! 

Don't believe in everyone who says that the world is full of negative.

Cause if it is... then how come we writers are so positive in writing?



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