Chapter 33

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Ava climbs onto Lauren's lap, looking up at her tiredly. "Mommy, I can't find Oscar."

"Did you check outside?" Lauren asked softly. "She likes it out there."

Nodding her head, Ava frowns. "Her not there."

"Hmm." Lauren thought for a moment. "She likes to play hide and seek."

Dinah walks into the living room with Oscar on her shoulder. "I'm pretty sure this belongs to you." She says jokingly.

"Oscar!" Ava squealed, holding her hands out for the small cat.

Lauren let out a half laugh and shook her head.

The kitten jumped off of Dinah's shoulder and curled up on Ava's lap, purring softly.

Ava clapped her hands before running her small hand along the cat's back softly, the way Lauren had shown her.

Smiling, Dinah leans down and kisses her head before moving her head up and kissing Lauren slowly and passionately.

"Mommy!" Bailey yells from the toy room. "Blake fell!"

Lauren pulled out of the kiss and sighed. "Can we continue this later?" She asked, standing up. She put Ava - who was more occupied with the cat - on her chair and looked up at Dinah.

"I'm off all day tomorrow, we have all night." Dinah responds, desire clear in her eyes.

Lauren smiled slightly, becoming shy. She nodded.

"Mommy!" Bailey yelled.

Making her way into the toy room, Lauren frowns upon seeing Blake on the ground, silently crying.

"She fell over Remi." Bailey says, the seven year old standing beside Remi who was also silently crying and bleeding.

"Go get Mani." Lauren said to Bailey, kneeling down in front of the two crying girls.

Bailey ran off to get Normani just as Remi began sobbing.

"Hey, it's okay, you're going to be okay." Lauren said softly, pulling to two girls close to her.

Ten minutes later, Normani cleans up Remi before sending the little girl to bed, her eyes dull.

Lauren held Blake until she stopped crying before moving to assess the damage to her small daughter's leg. She had a grazed knee and her ankle wasn't sitting correctly.

Demi walked into the house, a hand resting on her five month pregnant baby bump.

"Demi? Can you come look at Blake's ankle?" Lauren called to the older girl.

Making her way into the toy room, Demi kneels down and begins looking at Blake's ankle. "I can't say for certain without an X-ray, but I'm pretty sure it's broken. Take her to the er or have Ally come check it."

"Thanks." Lauren offered Demi a half smile before grabbing her phone and calling Ally.


Barely an hour later, Ally has reset Blake's ankle and put it in a cast. "Keep her home this week."

"Thanks Ally." Lauren smiled. "You're a lifesaver." She turned slightly. "You too, Demi,"

Ally smiles and hugs Lauren and Demi before making her way out the door.

"No problem." Demi says with a smile, making her way into her and Quinn's room.

Camila walks into the toy room and gently lifts Blake up. "Hey princess, let's go lay down."

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