Chapter 9

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Three months later.

"Shit." Prue breathes out, looking at the test in her hands.

"You okay, baby?" Emilia called tiredly from her position on the bed. She was exhausted and had been out late with a client who paid her double for the late night which meant she wouldn't have to do it again, they had enough money for a sleep therapist for Summer.

Taking a deep breath, Prue throws the test away and walks into the room. "Emi, we need to talk."

Emilia tensed slightly. "About what?" She asked. Did Prue know what she had done to get the money?

Sitting on the bed, Prue runs a hand through her hair. "I did some things to get the money for Summer's sleep specialist."

Emilia swallowed and took Prue's hand. "So did I." She said slowly.
Prue felt oddly aroused by this.

"Emi, I-I'm pregnant." The younger girl said after a minute, pushing her arousal away.

Emilia's eyes widened. She stopped breathing for a moment and tensed. "H-how?"

"I've been working as an escort to try and get enough money. Emi, I've made close to a million dollars." Prue says softly before looking down.

"Prue..." Emilia wasn't sure how to tell Prue what she had just told her. "I did the same thing." She said slowly.

Frowning, Prue looks up and tilts her head to the side. "So, we both thought the same thing?"

"What do you mean?" Emilia asked, confused.

"That being an escort would help us get money." Prue responds, grabbing Emilia's hand.

"Oh, well yeah, I guess we did." Emilia giggled nervously.
Biting her lip, Prue looks at their hands. "I'm sorry,"

Emilia looked at their hands too. "I'm sorry too. How can I make it up to you?"

"No, I mean that I stupidly got pregnant." Prue says softly.

Emilia shook her head. "We both did it. I don't want you to be mad at me in ten years for getting money to help make Summer sleep." She felt extremely guilty. "I want to make it up to you."

"We'll make it up to each other." Prue responds, about to lean in and kiss Emilia before leaning back. "Did you brush your teeth?" She asks randomly.

Emilia frowned slightly. "Why?" She asked.

"I just, I smell something fruity and neither of us owns fruity lip gloss or body spray." The younger girl responds.

Emilia sat up. "I must have forgotten to brush my teeth last night. I'm sorry. I'll go do that now." She sheepishly got up and made her way to the bathroom.

Laying back on the bed, Prue sighs softly and runs a hand over her still flat stomach.

Emilia came back out a few minutes later. "I'm sorry." She apologized again.

"Don't be." Prue responds, pulling Emilia onto the bed and kissing her passionately.

Emilia laid back on the bed, pulling Prue down with her.

Deepening the kiss, Prue moves to straddle Emilia's waist.

Emilia giggled against Prue's lips and while her mouth was slightly open, Prue slipped in her tongue.

They made out for a few minutes before a soft cry came from Summer's crib, signalling that the three year old was awake.

Prue pulled out of the kiss and she and Emilia let out a simultaneous sigh of annoyance.

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