Chapter 30

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"Mommy!" Noah whines, holding his arms up for Quinn when she walks into the kitchen.

"Hey, Noah." Quinn hummed, lifting Noah up.

The two year old curled into Quinn's arms and laid his head on her shoulder.

"Morning mommy," Joseph says, walking into the kitchen with his school bag.

"Morning, Joseph." Quinn ruffled Joseph's messy blonde hair.

Delilah walks into the kitchen with Isabella and Hunter. "Morning Nana."

"Hey mom," Hunter says, kissing her cheek before moving over to the coffee pot.

"Morning." Quinn smiled, adjusting Noah on her hip.

Izzach and Alex walk into the kitchen arguing, the two twenty year olds had decided on owning taco trucks.

"Boys, stop arguing." Quinn warned.

"Zach said he's the manager of the taco truck but it was my idea." Alex responds, crossing his arms and glaring at his twin.

Jace was sitting at the kitchen table, fidgeting in his seat.

"You're both the managers, now stop arguing about it or I'll take the truck off you." Quinn said calmly.

The twins frown before moving to the counter and getting their coffee.

Mallory and Vincent run into the room, the three year olds only in pullups as Dinah chases them.

Quinn couldn't help but let out a laugh and shook her head. "Definitely your kids."

"Not funny." Dinah responds, capturing both three year olds and leaving the room to change them.

Willow walks into the kitchen behind Demi, a frown on her lips.

"Willow doesn't want to go to school." Demi says softly, shifting a still sleeping Riley in her arms.

Quinn furrowed her brows. "Why not, Willow?" She ran her fingers through Willow's blonde hair.

"Because people are mean to me." The ten year old mumbles, "I got called a freak because I answer questions in class correctly."

"That doesn't make you a freak." Quinn said softly. "It means you are smart."

Shrugging, Willow looks down once more.

"I got this mom." Hunter says, bending down and lifting Willow up, carrying the ten year old out of the room.

Lauren and Normani walk into the kitchen with half of their kids.

Tamsin was throwing a fit and trying to get Normani to put Remi and Lainey down.

Jace covered his ears, getting up off his seat and leaving the room, dismissing his breakfast. There was too many people and he didn't like it.

"Finally," Dinah calls from the living room before two sets of racing footsteps make their way to the kitchen.

Revealing Mallory and Vincent dressed and ready to go.

Josiah made his way into the kitchen with Ethan's help. "Mama, where's mommy?" The five year old asks.

"Mommy has gone to work." Normani said.

Quinn left the kitchen to check on Jace.

Twenty minutes later, the kids have all eaten and are headed to school, except for the kids under three.

Demi, Quinn, Lauren, Normani and Dinah watch the kids walk to the bus stop and wait for them to get on the bus to leave.

Tamsin was clinging onto Normani's leg, "Mama,"

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