Chapter 4

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Normani giggles as she lays in bed with Dinah, running a hand through her wife's hair. "I have something to tell you."

"Shoot." Dinah said, looking up at Normani.

Smiling softly, Normani shifts and stares into Dinah's eyes. "I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant?" Dinah said slowly. She took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair. "That's amazing."

Nodding her head, Normani smiles and leans up to kiss Dinah softly before pulling away. "I love you."

"I love you too." Dinah said slowly. A small smile on her face. Her mind raced to thoughts of Quinn.

Biting her lip, Normani sat up, she'd noticed how distant Dinah had been lately. "I'm going to take a walk." She mumbles.

"Oh okay." Dinah looked down at her hands. "Have a nice walk."

Getting up, Normani changes her clothes and goes into the bathroom, brushing her hair and teeth. She had hoped Dinah would offer to go with her like she did with Quinn. But it looks like that's not happening.

Walking into the room, she pulls on her shoes and glances at Dinah before turning and walking out the door sadly.

"Hey, what's up?" Lauren asked softly, stopping Normani in her tracks.

Normani shrugs and looks down at her hands. "I feel like I'm losing her to you and Quinn. She's so distant lately."

"Losing who?" Lauren asked in confusion, frowning slightly. She stepped closer and placed a comforting hand on Normani's arm.

"Dinah." The dark-skinned girl whispers.

"You're not losing her." Lauren said.

Taking a deep breath, Normani looks up and into Lauren's eyes. "Yes, I am." She says softly. "I'm going for a walk."

Lauren wrapped her hand around Normani's arm softly. "You are not losing her." She repeated when Normani turned her head to look at Lauren.

"Then she's losing me." Normani responds, pulling away and rushing out of the house.

Lauren frowned, dropping her arm to her side.

"What's wrong?" Dinah asked, coming out of her room and wrapping her arms around Lauren's waist.

Lauren sank into Dinah's arms. "Mani thinks she's losing you." She said slowly.

Frowning, Dinah pulls Lauren closer. "Why does she think that?"

"Apparently you're being really distant towards her and she thinks it's because of Quinn and I." Lauren shrugged.

"That's not it. I've been trying to score tickets to a Beyonce concert for her." The younger girl mumbles, kissing the side of her neck.

"I know that, but she doesn't." Lauren breathed, closing her eyes. She tilted her head to the side slightly.

Stopping, Dinah begins sucking on Lauren's pulse point. Lauren's breath hitched in her throat.

"Keep it in the bedroom." Camila's voice said from behind them. She didn't sound too happy.

Rolling her eyes, Dinah pulls back and whispers in her ear. "Come with me?"

Lauren opened her eyes and looked at Dinah for a moment before glancing at Camila. She bit her lip and swallowed, nodding once. Dinah lead her to Quinn's old room and shut the door, capturing her lips in a slow and passionate kiss. Lauren wrapped her arms around Dinah's neck, kissing her back. Deepening the kiss, the Polynesian caresses Lauren's hips and pulls her closer. She picked Lauren up under her thighs and Lauren wrapped her legs around Dinah's waist.

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