Requested: Ryan Shaver #3

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This was requested by @mickie_artzz202  

btw thanks for requesting so much

Warning: None 

word Count: 238

Status: not edited 

plot: "Do you feel guilty? like, at all?"     "I don't have time to feel guilty. And neither do you."

You felt guilty, like to the point where you just wanted to throw up with the hope that the guilty feeling would leave your body. Forever. But everybody knows that it doesn't work that way. 

The reason why you felt so guilty was that you played a part in it, some people would even go so far and say that you played one of the major rolls in it. All because you and your boyfriend Ryan decided to publish her poem. Yoe knew from the start that it kinda a bad idea but you had pushed that thought and the feeling away in the past, and now you had to live with the consequences. 

So one day you purposefully made the decision to confront Ryan about it.

"Do you feel quilty? like, at all?" you asked him 

"About what Ashley?"

"Oh, you know what I am talking about"

"You mean Hannah? " he asked, slowly realizing what you meant. You nodded as response.

"I don't have the time to feel quilty. And neither do you." he said and turned away, you just stood there shocked about what he had just said.

I got the idea from pinterest and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thanks for reading


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