Requested: Monty x Alex x Reader {part 1}

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This was requested by Salvatores_Chick

warning: language

word count: 458

status: not edited

plot: Monty has a fight with Alex because Alex grabbed the readers ass.

"hey  you freak what the hell was that??" Monty shouted across the school hallway you fliched a bit at his loud voice at Alex while walking towards him. Monty balled his fists ready to bet the shit out of Alex.

"what did I do Cruz" Alex replaid with a smirk well knowing what he did.

"you grabbed my girlfriends butt you son of a bitch" he spat at the blond boy

"well did I ? and thats my mom you are talking about. I don't understand why such a pretty girl is dating someone like you she could have better" as soon Alex said that Monty lost control and started to punch Alex straight against his jaw and nose. Alex started to punch back, but he hit you instead of Monty as you were about to stop the fight. You held your now bleeding nose as Mr.Porter came and stopped the fight.

"what is going on here?" he asked Alex and Monty

"well he started it" de la Cruz replaid pointing at Alex

"and what were you doing" he said looking at Monty who had for surprise just a few little scratches while Alex had well looked like a piece of shit to be exactly.

"finishing it" Monty said with confidence and a smile but as soon he saw your bleeding nose he rushed over you and checked your nose.

"is everything alright babe??"

"yeah Alex just punched me, but hey I took a punch for you" you said laughing but he wasn't he went back to Mr.Porter and Alex.

"did you really just punch my girlfriend Standall"

"I didn't mean to-" but it was to late Monty already swung his fist at Alex and it landed straight against his jaw.

"boys that is enough you three are coming with me to explain what happed" Mr.Porter said to you, Monty and Alex.

So I am working on the requests I started before this one, the reason is that they are gonna be long ones. Just give me some time plus  I need to study a lot the following 2 weeks so I won't be able to post much. But you can still sent me requestes.

And I wanted to say thank you for all the reads, comments and votes on this book. Thank you so much we hit over 7.4k reads thank you. I never thought someone would read my crappy writing. and also that so many have put this story into their reading lists, maybe even more into their libary. 

Don't forgett to comment and vote

I love you guys


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