Requested: Tony Padilla #1

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This was requested by @kiepiepuppet202

Sry that it took so long, and that it maybe isn't as long as you requested. And  sorry if it's crap.

word count: 1.055

warning: language

status: edited

But lets go. Hope you like it

Plot: Kiesha is Walking home when two guys start harassing her, but Tony pulls up.

3rd persons p.o.v

Kiesha is walking home from the  libary she had do some research for history class, when suddenly Zach and Bryce  came with Bryce's car and started harassing her. Sure Kiesha was used to it, she was one of the most prettiest girls at Liberty High and cheerleader, these two points made her popular. She had long brown hair, beautiful eyes and beautiful dark skin.

Even when she was used to it, it bothered her a lot when the boys treated girls like objects. Okay not all boys at Liberty High were like that but still enough. Kiesha only knew a few nice guys these were Clay, Jeff, Alex, Tony in the past she even thought that Tyler was a nice too, but since the thing with Hannah came out she thought different about him.

Kiesha p.o.v

I was walking home from the Libary I had to do some research for History class. Man I really hate that teacher. I turned around when I heared two voices next to me. Great Zach and Bryce my day can't get worser, now they were harassing me. They offered to take me home no thank you, you idijts.

"nice offer boys but no thank you I can go home by myself" I said to them.

"oh come on Kiesha such a pretty girl like you can't walk home by herself. let us take you home" Bryce said with a smirk on his face. Zach was just sitting there grinning at me.

" I Said no thank you I can go home by myself like I already said. "

Just when they wanted to say something Tony pulled up in his red Mustang. I always had  a crush on Tony. I mean how can't you love him his is perfect in so many ways. From his Hair to his voice just perfect, more perfect than a Captain America can be. Sure I know Captain America is not real but come on he is kinda perfect to. (sorry for putting him here, but I couldn't think about a other person in that Moment.) A other thing that made so perfect was the fact that he didn't treated girls like objects he treated the girls with respect.

"Hey Kiesha" Tony said with his beautiful voice, while getting out of the the red Mustang, and walking towards you. He stopped right in front of you, you said " Hi Tony."

Tony p.o.v

I was driving home, when I saw Kiesha standing next to a car talking with Zach and Bryce. As I drove by I heard what they were talking about. They reallywanted to take her home, but luckily she didn't wanted that, so maybe I could take her home. I always liked Kiesha she was just so beautiful and even when she was popular, she was still nice and kind to every one. wait was I getting jealous ? Yeah I was getting jealous. I just wanted to take her away from these jocks.

So I pulled up next to the jocks and said  " Hey Kiesha" while i got out of my car and walking towards her. As I stopped right in front of her she just said a simple "Hi Tony" with her amazing voice. I was wondering how her singing voice is.

"Fuck off Padilla" Zach said.

"Hey Dempsey!! fuck off" Kiesha said and with that they drove off, but no without Bryce saying "you know Kiesha you are missing something but your choice what you do. See ya ohh and when you change your mind just give it call." When he said that I really got angry and just wanted to punch Bryce straight in his damn face. Kiesha seemed to notice my struggles, but after she put her hand on my arm I calmed down a bit.

" so ahmm Kiesha would you mind if I would drive you home?? I understand if you don't want too."

"I wouldn't mind Tony I would say I love too, too be taken home by you" she said. Wait a sec! was she flirting with me? no she doesn't like me more than a friend I thought and shook my head to get that thought out off my head.

"shall we?" she asked

"yeah, sure let's go" I said and we started to walk towards my red Mustang.

T!ME SK!P brought you by a archangel who loves to pull pranks on people 

Kiesha p.o.v

I still  can't believe it Tony really offered me to take me home. When we arrived at my place, he walked me to my Door.

" so ahmm do want to came in and maybe watch a movie or something?" I asked a bit nervous.

"sure but what about your parents? aren't they gonna ask questions?"

"no they won't, they aren't in Town not even in the state" and with that we went into the house and took off our shoes and jackets. After that we went upstairs into my room.

" so what movie do you want to watch? I've got The Avengers, Mission Impssible, Harry Potter and a bunch of Disney movies like Pirates of the Caribbean."

"Pirates of the Caribbean sounds good to me" Tony said.

"great, make youself a home while I am going to get snacks" with that I went into the Kitchen to get the snacks I couldn't stop smiling. Because I was going to spend time with my crush. Alone. In my room. Okay now I was grinning like a idiot.

As soon I came back into my room I saw Tony lying on my king size bed.  I put the snacks down on to my bed and climbed on to it, as soon as I had put the DVD in.

After the first movie we both were getting tired. But in the middle of the second we both fell asleep together in my bed. Luckily it was Friday.   

so hope you like it

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