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Donald Earle Degrate Jr-1995
California, Los Angeles, America

'Baby you ready!' I shouted out

'Nearly!' She shouted back

'Aight...I don't want you to be late for your surprise!'

'I won't!'

It's Justine's birthday today and she probably thinks I'm taking her but everyone planned throw her a big ass party for her.

I bought her a black dress for her party and she didn't want me to see it right now...she wanted the dress on her give me an imagination....and damn it did. As soon as she walked down them stairs with her stilettos and the dress gracing every part of her, I knew I was going to have to risk it all tonight.

'Damn!....' I said admiring her from top to bottom

'You think it's too much?' She asked

'Too much is never enough' I said licking my lips

Justine Indira Skyers-1995
California, Los Angeles, America

The room was dark and I literally couldn't see anything...Hell I couldn't even find myself for a minute!

I kept on walking with DeVante still gripping on my hand as I felt like this wasn't gonna go anywhere. I then started to hear a little sound coming from behind me. I made one more step and...


Damn I thought I was going to have a straight up heart attack. I felt like I was going to pee my panties off...but at the same time I was happy.

'Y'all scared my little ass off' I joked

'Well at least we made you laugh' Sira laughed

'Come and give us a hug Birthday girl' Cliff chimed in

As I was giving a hug, I realised something was off point, someone was missing....

'Where's Pac?' I asked

'Oh he said he was going to be late...he just had to handle some business' Cliff said

'Like court businesses?' I asked


Dang his ass always in court. Why can't he stay his ass out of trouble?

'Aight...' I trailed off

'You cool J?' He asked

'Yeah I'm cool...I feel like too many people targeting him when all he do is speak his mind' I said with a blunt look

As me and DeVante parted ways to talk to other people, I went of with Mary to the V.I.P. section.

'Girl what's up, you've been a bit down when you realised Pac hasn't arrived'

'Yeah I'm cool I know he's going to show up' I faked a happy tone

'Girl what's up with you?' She asked

'Ever since I...oh damn you don't know about it'

'Know about what?' She asked curiously

'I had sex with Pac...' I trailed off

'YOU WHAT?' Mary shouted

'Girl keep your voice down' I widened my eyes 'people around us'

'Does Faith know about that....no what about DeVante?' She asked

'Faith was cool with it same as DeVante but that's only because he knew that he would be a hypocrite if he confronted me about it but I feel like deep down he probably might feel threatened by Pac'

'Well...y'all always together 24/7-'

'Yeah but that's because we are tight like that....anyways besides that, after that night, we haven't spoken a lot since then'

'Well you know he's got all of that court shit and that' Mary added

'Has he not ever heard of calling me?' I asked making him sound dumb

'Yeah but- oh look how just showed up?' Mary said making me look at Pac entering 'well imma go find K-Ci, holla'

'Girl don't leave me' I begged but she went of already

I got up to follow her but I was suddenly stopped by Pac.

'Mhmm happy birthday Justine' he said handing me a present while admire my figure

'My face up here Pac' I lifted his chin looking at my face

'I would screw you the same way I screwed you before' he licked his lips

'Haha you've got jokes....that was your first and last time having fun with me like that' I joked

'You liked it though?' He smirked

'It was something...' I said

'What you mean by something?'

'Think about' I walked away from him to find DeVante

See I love Tupac with all my heart but that night we had will never happen again. I will never forget that his dick was bigger than DeVante's which I didn't understand because De was bigger but you know....

Pac will always be my BestFriend no matter what but I love DeVante too much to be all over Pac.

If you are wondering who Sira is, she is Justine's younger sister. She is also in the girl group Dream. You will get to know her character a little bit more as she will be mentioned more in the story in the future.

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