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Donald Earle Degrate Jr-1993
Manhattan, New York, America

I feel like this is the end of me and Justine ever dating. I've tried everything that I could to get her back, but it seems like nothing is working. She clearly doesn't love me anymore. Plus these five months have been lonely without her. I need someone who has the same qualities like Justine to fill in the gap of my emptiness....Well everyone is different, so how the hell am I going to find another Justine. There are some many beautiful black girls in New York, but none of them are like Justine.

I stayed up to write two more songs because I was feenin Justine badly and I fell asleep on the sheets on the table, Until....

Bang Bang!

I heard shuffling nosies from the room I was in and I was adjusting my eyes from the deep sleep I had, only for them to be closed again slightly as I got shot in the head. My body grew weak as I felt a big manly hand tie my hands together behind my back and a piece of fabric covering my eyes.

I felt my body being pushed around and I found myself on the ground and my head and back was hit badly against the wall. I heard shuffling in the background but it wasn't any old shuffling, it was sounds of chains hitting each other from chain to chain.
I instantly knew it was my jewellery. Jesus you know how much them shit costs. I haven't got time for people to steal the shit that I pay for.

The phone started to ring several times and I kept on flinching so I could get it. I was still blindfolded so I just listened to where I could hear the phone and moved closer to it. I think one of the men saw and before I knew it, I was pistol-whipped in my head about four times. Damn it felt like I was hit with a gun, shit hurt. Before I could do anything else, I realised my my eyes were closing and then I was left with darkness.

Justine Indira Skyers-1993
Manhattan, New York, America

I just got back from five months on tour and damn as soon I finally get some rest, my damn phone starts ringing.

Who the hell is calling me right now?

'Hello' I said agitated

'Yo it's me Dalvin'

'Oh hel-'

'Look DeVante ain't picking up and everyone has called him like several times and he ain't picking up'

'Well he probably busy' I said not caring

'He ain't busy because we all at the studio and he should be here'

Damn man what up with this nigga now, he probably busy man!

'Aight look I'll call him and see if he's picking up but if he doesn't we all drive to his house'

'Aight cool'

Damn DeVante now got everyone shook.

I dialled DeVante's phone number and I didn't get and I got an answer but it didn't seem like DeVante or the people he would hang out with.

'Yo De, you-'

'What the fuck you want this ain't De-'

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