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Justine Indira Skyers-1995
Manhattan, New York, America

Home Sweet home....well not really!
Everything is how I found it when I went back to New York but I'm lonely now. All my friends and my sister is back in LA, pursuing their careers. I barely have time to see my parents due to my busy work schedule.

I sometimes call to see how everyone is doing, but none of them pick up. Mary barely picks up but she probably busy messing with K-Ci's ass, Jennifer is busy with Puffy, Faith is all over the place with Biggie and I could care less about what the hell Pac is doing nor DeVante. Those two just know how to fuck up a good girls heart. The only person that has cared to pick up was Cliff. He called me every night before I went to bed so he knew that I was alright. I was kind of confused at the fact that he was able to find time to do all that stuff when he was so busy being Method Man as his rap career.

I looked at the time and it was heading to nine. Yes it was early for me to go to bed but I didn't have any plans....well it looked like it changed when I noticed Pac at my door. I tried to ignore it but he wouldn't stop.

'What the hell do you want?' I asked as I opened the door

'I'm really sorry' he said but I didn't give in

'You're gonna have to try so much better than that' I closed the door only for him to open it again

'Please let me explain' he begged

I looked him deep into his eyes and I knew he had more to tell me. I let him in but I didn't want to let me myself on him to easily.

'Justine....I'm really sorry, sorry for everything you've been through, sorry for not being there for you, sorry for not being your best friend.' He apologised ' I've been thinking and what I did was dumb. I should've asked for your consent to bring back Suge but before not thinking that he can do more harm to you after he came out, I was too busy thinking about myself than others. Please Justine I need you as my best friend don't leave me hanging'

'Don't leave you hanging?.....' I asked with attitude

'Justine please....' he begged

I didn't even say anything. I opened my arms out wide and just embraced him into a hug. I found myself tearing up, not because of Tupac but because as I hugged him, Memories started to to fill my mind about the how me and DeVante used to be. I miss DeVante dearly, even if he did things that pissed me off. I didn't understand why he broke up with me over something he thought he caused when he didn't.

I pulled myself away from Pac and ran straight to my bedroom. I knew he would run after me but I just needed somewhere to lie down as I felt myself getting sick.

Tupac Amura Shakur-1995
Manhattan, New York, America

I ran right behind Justine as I knew something wasn't right. The one thing I couldn't stand about her was when she cries. It upsets me to see how all her walls have been knocked down because her emotions got the best of her.

'Justine...' I said quietly

'I really miss DeVante!' She cried

I was confused at how the fact that Christopher did the same thing to her and she never cried over him after they broke up but when it was DeVante, she missing him like crazy. Damn what does he have that makes the ladies go crazy over him?

I entered her bedroom and sat on the bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her as we both sat in a crossed legged way. I felt her tears dropping onto my arms. Damn I've never seen her break down over a man before.

'You still love him?' I asked

'Way too much man' she said 'he's like a drug, an addiction and I can't get him out of my mind. Little things about me and DeVante that flows back through my mind makes me go crazy'

'Have you tried calling him?'

'I did a little but I gave up after I couldn't get through to him'

'Maybe he's busy or something'

'Yeah busy with other girls that can satisfy him better than I could do' she said feeling bad

'Don't tell yourself that!' I said 'DeVante isn't messing with other bitches. The only girl he wants is you. Remember he told you that you were he crush so he could never forget you'

'Yeah but that was like 89, it's 95 now.' I said 'he probably moved on with someone else better.'

'Look imma try and talk to him for you tomorrow'

'Wait.....you're leaving?'

'Yeah I wish I could stay long but I got a lot of things to do in LA'

'Oh...okay....well tell the others I said hello'

'Girl why you acting like I'm leaving right now?' I laughed 'my plane leaves in the afternoon tomorrow'

'Alrightttttt!' She dragged her words of excitement 'well we can start of by watching a whole series of a different world'

'Ohhh you wanna see you boy on TV' I joked

'Boy I'm watching it because Dwayne is on there' She laughed

'Hmmm.....sure' I said sarcastically

'Boy imma hurt' She laughed

As it was, messing around like idiots back in the old days....

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