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Donald Earle Degrate Jr-1992
Manhattan, New York, America

Damn, I can't be sneaking with Justine behind Tammy's back. I need to tell her how I really feel about her now. Yes I grew in love with her because she was always there for me when other girls told me I wouldn't make it, and I have a child with her as well. Now that I've met my crush in person, she's turned into more than a crush, she's someone I would want a future with. Yes I'm only 22, but God as a way of predicting the future for me and what will happen. I see me and Justine having a future and I want that with her. Don't get me wrong, Tammy is a beautiful women, but after leaving Charlotte for this career, my feelings have escaped and found it's way to Justine.

I feel stupid as fuck but damn I'm going to break her heart, the day before she goes back to Charlotte. Lord please help things go smoothly with me and Tammy tonight.

'So what did you want to talk to me about?' She asked getting into the car smiling

'Tammy you are going to hate me but we need to...break up' I said mumbling the last words

'What...' she asked puzzled

'We need to break up' I turned my face to her

'Why? What did I do? I thought everything was perfectly cool? Is it me? I'm so-'

'It's not you it's me' I said holding her hand

'What do you mean?'

'You know when you go to the store and find something you've always wanted, you immediately pick it up and buy it.' I explained 'But you go to the store the next day and find something even better and buy it and start using it more than the similar item you got, you forget you bought it and use that item you just bought'

'What are you talking about De?'

'My feeling have moved on to Justine and I really like her' I sighed 'I'm really sorry but I can't help it'

She looked away from me and she started to tear up. Damn I hate to see a girl cry especially when you know it's because of you.

'I'm really sorry Tam-'

'Look it's cool' she said turning to my direction wiping her tears 'I knew this was going to happen. Look at you living large, your dreams finally true and you've found another girl that can fulfil your needs better than I can.'

'I'm really sorry. I hate to put a girl through this' I said with an apologetic expression

'Donald stop apologising, you've got to know me and I've got to know you. God is sending you a sign and giving you a girl that can be by your side everyday.' She explained 'Having a long distance relationship is really hard and can I completely be honest with you, I don't really feel the same I used to feel when I first meet you now but I kept on forcing myself. You might be confused why I was even crying but I was thinking coming over here would fix things between us but it completely did the opposite.'

'Look Tammy, this isn't the end of us, we can still continue to be friends I don't want to lose you and I don't want to be not in contact with your my daughter because I don't want to betray you or here. I don't want her growing up without a father and thinking I don't love her'

'Don, I will never let that happen.' She said 'we can still be friends but damn you need to make sure you visit your daughter or imma come back for you and hung you down' she joked

'I'll make sure I'll make trips to see her.' I said 'I'll try and visit soon if not Christmas. I'll make phone calls everyday too'

We both laughed and it got silent. I took Tammy's hand and looked deep into her eyes before she left me for good.

'Tammy, don't think I'll never stop loving you.' I said 'you're my first love and no one can never amount the things you have done for me'

She started to tear up and I hugged her tightly and before you knew it, we both shared a kiss for the last time but we never felt special.

'Donald, please tell Justine she's lucky to have a man like you' she said as she got out the car

Before I could say anything, she closed the door and waved at me before she walked to go and get ready for her flight tomorrow.

'I will Tammy, I will'

Justine Indira Skyers-1992
New York, New York City, America

I was walking out the studio to get a little bit of fresh air before, so I could get some ideas for a few more songs I wanted to write, only to be approached by Tammy.

I looked up at her but she started to smile at me. I let out a little smile so it didn't look awkward for me to give her attitude.

'Before I leave, I just wanted to tell you Donald is lucky to have a girl like you' she smiled

'Wait you guys broke up?' I asked confused

'Yes we did but it was for the better' she said 'God has given him a sign and told him his heart belongs to you'

'OMG! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to mess up your relation-'

'Girl stop apologising, y'all are perfect for each other' she chuckled 'He'll look after you very well, I'll promise'

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