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Justine Indira Skyers-1994
California, Los Angeles, America

I don't know how long I was knocked out for but thank God I'm alive.

It took a little time for my eyes to adjust to the brightness as I was left in darkness for a bit.

As I came out of the room, I had to keep placing my hand on the walls because I felt a little dizzy from all the blows I had coming from my head. My legs were weak as well.

I got to the car and I had second thoughts driving it. It got me thinking if I lost a lot of blood or something, but I didn't see a lot of blood stains on the carpet. I was also afraid because of my reckless driving, I was going to hurt someone and it could become fatal.

Every move I made caused me to hiss at the pain. Sitting down careful on the car seat made me hiss, raising my arm to put the seat belt on made me hiss, stretching my arm to close the door made me hiss.

I was hurting everywhere!

Donald Earle Degrate Jr-1994
California, Los Angeles, America

It was 3am in the morning and I spent literally hours going over some songs for the album in the mini studio I had in the basement.

I was coming up from there and I heard a noise coming from the door. The lights were off so I couldn't really see where it was coming from. I turned the lights on and I saw that it was Justine. I was going to ignore her and go back to whatever the fuck I was doing but I knew something was unusual about her.

I walked up close to her and I was seeing the bruise that I gave her looking worse as before as it turned into a black eye. It was swollen and you couldn't see her right eye open properly. Her shirt was filled with blood and cuts were formed, sparsely spaced out on her face and her all over her arms.

Before even asking her if she was alright, anger flourished through my veins as I wanted to know what nigga did this too her. I knew it wouldn't be no bitch because she wouldn't allow herself to get beaten up easily by a girl.

'Who the hell did this to you?' I asked with anger

She tried to form a sentence but I could see that her emotions got the best of her and she started crying deeply right in front of me. It looked like she didn't want me to see her in this state at all. I gave her an apologetic look and tried to hug her but she back away.

I decided to ask her again as I saw that she was backing away.

'Who did this to you?' I asked sternly

'S-S-Suge' She said hesitantly

My anger was supposed to be calm but it only got worse as I realised this was my fault. I started to pace myself back and forth across the room, holding my hands behind my head cursing myself.

'How can I let this happen to her? How can I let someone I trusted beat up the girl I love? How can I allow to beat the girl I love? If I didn't hit hurt, she wouldn't have been with Suge, she would've been with me. It's all my fault! I didn't care and this is Karma for all of hurt that I put on Justine. I should've been beaten up not her!'

My pace started to slow down as I started to build up real emotions inside of me. I felt like I wasn't a man anymore, I felt like a little boy. I didn't know what to do. All I could do was drop and cry as hard as I could. I didn't care if it was an ugly cry but I just needed to let out all my emotions.


'Please' I begged 'Stay away from me. I've hurt you way too much and Look where it lead you too. If you are around me for longer, you probably won't be here for longer'

'What do you mean?'

'We need to take a break' I stood up facing her

'A break?'

'I'm sorry Justine'

'But I love you'

'I love you too but not enough to start hurting you'

'Please DeVante, What relationship isn't-'

'Look I said we have to take a break!' I raised my voice a little

There was an awkward silence and within that silence, I saw her face becoming soft as a tear slid down her check. I knew that I had to walk away from her because I didn't want to come back to my weak state again.

All memories started tracing back into my mind again of all the good times we both shared together. I really didn't want to break up with her but I didn't want to continue to hurt her. I started to look at things as if maybe breaking up with her was s good idea. Maybe she doesn't need a man like me, she's need someone better than me.

God was sending us both a sign....

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