Chapter 15

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I walked out of the council hand in hand with Legolas.

"(Your name)!"

I turned round to see Elrond walking towards us.

"Yes Lord Elrond, What is the matter?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of corse!" I think I know what he wants.

As we walk back towards the council room I look back at Legolas.
He's looking at me, almost sadly, I smile widely at him, willing him to smile, and he does.

I ran to catch up with Elrond.

"What is it you want to talk to me about?"

"I think you already know, I know you were listening in on our conversation earlier (your name), or I wouldn't have said anything."

Oops, I blushed and looked at the floor.
He smiled at me.

"I know you (your name), I am your uncle, I do know you quite well at least."

He put his hand under my chin and lifted my face so I looked into his eyes.

"(Your name) I know you want to go with Legolas to Mirkwood but Mirkwood is infested bu spiders and I worry about you, please, stay here."

He must have seen my eyes fill with sorrow because he sighed and turned away from me.

"I just think that if I don't go with Legolas, I may never see him again, and if we never see each other again, o think we would both fade away, which would be worse than being taken away where you could save me, if I fade you would not be able to save me."

"I really want to stay here, but I also really want to be with Legolas, I love Legolas anath, i love him."
I repeated the last bit in a whisper. I had started to tear up.

"I know you do (your name), I know you do."

He turned back round and opened his arms and I hugged him, I cried into his shoulder (as i am almost as tall as him).

"Go with him to Mirkwood (your name), put promise me you will not go into the forest without him, and please visit often."

"I will anath, I will look forward to it."

"You will be leaving for Mirkwood with Legolas first thing tomorrow. You better go repack your things."

I slipped towards my room hoping to to bump into Legolas on my way.

As I came to my room door but it was slightly ajar.

I opened the door slowly.

I peeped my head round the door and I saw Legolas on my bed sleeping.

"Legolas?" I walked over to him and sat on the edge of the bed.

He was twitching and muttering in his sleep, it was strange, I know the council had gone on till 6 and I was a bit boring but why is he asleep?

"(Your name)? (Your name)!" He was talking in his sleep.

"What's the matter Legolas?" I knew no to wake him but I couldn't do nothing.

"Don't touch her! No, NO (your name)."

I got onto the bed next to him and stroked his slightly sweaty forehead.

"It's ok Legolas I'm here, it's alright, I'm ok." I whispered gently into his now messy hair.

"(YOUR NAME)!" He screamed and sat up strait.

"Legolas! What's the matter and why were you sleeping on my bed?"

He turned slowly towards me.

I was shocked, his eyes were puffy and read, his hair a mess and pure terror filled his eyes.

"(Your name)" he whispered and through his arms around my beak and broke down.

"Shhh Leggy it's ok." But he just kept sobbing.

I pulled Legolas down into a lying positing still hugging him.

"Shhh your tires get some sleep, and don't worry I'll be right here I promise, what where you dreaming of?"

I asked him this already knowing the answer.

"The.. the v.. veoquin.. t.. taking., you.. away.."

"Legolas as long as your with me they will never touch me, I promise.
I talked to Lord Elrond and I am coming to Mirkwood with you, that way we can always be together."

He seemed calmed at this, and finally fell asleep in my arms, I realised I was tired as well, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep next to him.

(Anath is uncle in elvish) (uniath is aunt is it ever comes up).

I am really trying to update more often so I hope you like this chapter.


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