Chapter 6

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Once Legolas has gone, he suddenly looked up at the sun, said he had somewhere to be urgently and he ran off, my father turned to me.
He opened his moth to say something but I cut in "Sorry that I worried you, I won't do it again."
Ada didn't reply to this but he shook his head and said "What do you know of Legolas?" "Not much," I answered "Except that his full name is Legolas Greenleaf and I have come to the conclusion that he is from Mirkwood as that is the nearest place with any blond haired elves, besides me, you and Nana." I finished off.
Ada looked mildly surprised, "well worked out he is from Mirkwood" "What do you think of him?"
I wasn't surprised by this question, Ada and Nana were always trying to get me married to some high standing Elf.
"He is very nice and an amazing archer." That is all I said. I didn't want Ada and Nana to find out that I liked him very much until I was sure of it.
"I need to go upstairs to get ready for the coronation." I explained as I started walking up the stairs.
As I turned up the stairs my Ada smirked, I didn't see this, but what I didn't know was my Ada knew more than I assumed he did.
Suddenly I turned, Ada's smirk had disappeared "Ada, you won't tell Nana will you?"
"I'm her husband I don't have to tell her anything." Ada said as he smiled, I smiled back at him, Ada and I had always been really close and we shared secrets with each other often.

Once i was in my bedroom my dressing maids came rushing in "Oh (y/n), I'm so glad you back" "(y/n) where have you been." They all gabbled at once.
It took me awhile to calm them down.
"I just went to the forest to destroy one of the veoquin's nest." I answered simply. "I got attacked by them and a elf called Legolas came and saved me!"
The ladies all went Ooo at this remark and started questioning me on what he was like and what he looked like.
Once that conversation was over I commented "Ladies I have a coronation to be at in just under an hour!" The dressing ladies started panicking and pulling me into my green with silver sewn leaves on it.
It was a beautiful dress and I absolutely loved it. I had my hair up which is unusual for elves as they normally like having plats at the side and the rest down, but I had pulled up the bit that was normally down into a low bun.
When the dressing Ladies saw me in the dress they all started cooing and saying how lovely I looked.
I looked up at the sun. It was time to go! My ladies had tended to my wounds on my side and legs so that they didn't hurt and I used an ancient elvish charm to make my arm and face wounds look like they weren't there.
We rode on horse back, all elves are brilliant riders, but only royalty were permitted to have white horses, it wasn't a rule that my Ada had made, it was part of the ancient elvish rules that were formed long ago, you would think it would be hard to ride in a dress like mine but I had had lessons on riding on horse back with a full dress on since I was five so I was an expert by now.

Vermin of Iostar, A Princess's Dream, LegolasXReaderWhere stories live. Discover now