Whats Sinking Me

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Anger spun around her soul

Caressing the words she

Had wanted to spill out

For so long they leaked

From the pits were she had stuffed them





Knowing it would bring

Them both








to their shaking knees

In the sands of maybes and if you'll love me

It's pained her to see him struggling

And she never saw that she

Was the one losing air

Her life being stolen

For someone who never even dared to help her to her feet

Her eyes were all that stood out

She let them meet his gaze

The murdering of her sunken heart

Forgiveness pouring as she gave on

Terrifying last look

Drowning as he looked at her

With careless eyes

Knowing she was sinking for him

Saying I'm sorry

Like it was the glue

That made her life cling together

Hoping it would keep them afloat

When really he was just pushing down

Her hopes

Knowing it was a mere fantasy

One she thought was sadly true


She was sending paragraphs

When honestly he didn't even deserve a word to escape

From her ever so passionate fingers

That were dipped in the sweetest honey

Love that was only for him

Yet he tasted it and swore to himself

"You're so bitter" and he spat

In her beautiful face

Punching walls

But not the ones that stood

Between their love

He wore her thin just like her stature

And screamed when her words

Didn't fit the puzzle he had created

He was killing her

Murdering her life with a cigarette

Puffing like he didn't know the blood on his hand

Her life sitting aimlessly

Between his cold lips

And swearing that if she just

Laid down it would all be better

She was getting tired of being his dog


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