Part 1

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Today is a Monday. Monday's always stink because you have to wake up early, and go to school after the nice relaxing weekend you just had. On top of that, you have to feed the animals when you wake up, leaving less time for you to get ready.

Mom: "(Y/N), get up it's time to get ready!"
You: "Okay, okay. I'll be down in a second."
You head downstairs when you finally get up.
Mom: "Nice to see you're up! Today you have the horses to feed so get to it!"
Everyday you go through the same routine. Get up, feed the animals your parents tell you to, eat breakfast, get ready for school.
After about an hour of your morning routine, you're ready to go to school. You actually kind of like school because you have the best two friends that anyone could ever ask for. Sarah and Haley. You met them back in 6th grade and you've been inseparable ever since.
You arrive to school about 10 minutes before the bell rings so you can chat with your friends.
Mom: "Bye (Y/N)! Have a good day!"
You: "Bye mom!"
You meet your friends at the table you sit at every day to talk about the newest gossip.
Sarah and Haley: "Hey (Y/N)!"
You: "Hey, what's new with y'all?"
Sarah: "Oh my god. I heard the biggest rumor when I was walking in this morning. Apparently Mrs. Jacobs has been fooling around with some senior here! But it's just a rumor so I don't know if that's true."
You: "If that is true, that would be insane that something like that would happen at a school like ours."
Haley: "May I remind you that she's literally my math teacher and now you guys have put that in my head, and now that's all I'll be thinking about during math. Ew."
Sarah: "Oof, I'm sorry I completely forgot."
The bell rings for first period to start.
You: "Well, that's the bell guys we better go."
You, Haley, and Sarah all have first period English together so you all walk together. You get to class and your teacher Mrs. Gem starts teaching about poetry when the weirdest thing happens.
The classroom intercom buzzes, which normally doesn't happen unless someone is in trouble.
Mrs. Gem: "Yes, who is it?"
Mr. Green: "This is Mr. Green, the assistant principal. Could you please send (Y/N) down to the principal office?"
Mrs. Gem: "She'll be right down."
Your heart drops. You've never been to the principals office in your life and have never caused any trouble at school. You're confused on why they need you to come down. Sarah and Haley both have confused looks on their faces as you walk out of class heading to the principals office.
You walk in and see both of your parents sitting there and the principal.
Principal Davis: "Please have a seat (Y/N)."

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