Chapter 8

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I was awoken from hearing Edge clawing at the bed sheet. After of months of trying to get rid of him by side at nights I gave up since he used the excuse of Faith. How he got use to cuddling up to a person. I quickly got up to see Edge being dragged down to the ground. "Lord! Lord! If this is your doing! NOT. FUN!" He yelled holding onto the bed sheets. It's been years since someone actually someone summoned a demon. I stared at him shock.

"I swear this isn't me. You're my almost second command!" I jumped off a bed running towards the mirror. "Show me the summoner," I told the mirror. I was shocked to see an older version of Faith. Her hair grew long, and her body so thin. She was standing in the middle of a summoning circle. She was bloodied. "It's Faith."

"FAITH!?" He hollered in pain. "What do I do master? Lord?" He screamed as he tried to hold on.

I thought for a while, "I don't know. Uhh... Go. Go get her." I smiled.

He smiled as he looked at me with a smirk. "My pleasure my lord." He lets go as he sunk into the dark hole. He was summoned next to her as her eyes look like a dull. Everyone screamed, as he looked up at Faith but she just stared at the people. My eyes turn red.

"She's out of it, get the summoner and imprint her quickly," I told him.

He nods as he ran to the master of the circle. She went on her knees. I wanted to reach her, but I couldn't. She looks dead. She was crying, tears streaming down her eyes. I watched her as Edge comes back looking at her. "Princess?" He asked quietly. Tiptoeing to her.

She looks up to him, crying, "You're not real." She shook her head. "Eggy and Lucie. G.A is all part of my imagination!" She screamed into her arms. The G.A is gone? How old is she? She looks like 13-year-old now. She was wearing a ring, she was playing with it. I looked closer, damn him. It's a purity ring. I thought for a while, how the fuck did that work? I thought for a moment. I thought for a while. "It's not blessed." Unless. Oh no. I need that G.A

"Eggy? I searched for you and Lucie. Where is he?" She cried. My focused went back to them. "G.A told me that I wasn't able to see you. He disappeared just months ago. Or was it a year." She questioned. "Why are you back?" She asked. "Where is Lucie!" She played with her ring. "I'm scared." She told him.

"Something bad happened to her. The ring of hers, something must have happened. There are two choices Edge, so listen up. One, it's not blessed. Two, she had her purity taken away from her." I informed him. I trust him, for once in a million years. I trust an Angel. How low can I go? I can't protect her and I can't do shit. I growled to myself.

"Your ring, umm is it purified?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

She shook her head, "No, before G.A left he told me to get purified from a Priest but I am too shy to ask." She shook her head once more. "No, you are not real. Why do I bother with this!" She screamed, she stormed to the door but then stopped. Looking back at him once more. Clearly hurt. "She's going to come back. And if I am gone. I'll get another trophy." Her eyes grew dark, almost dull.

"Dull!" I screamed. A woman came in as she kneeled down to my feet. Looking down at my shoes. I lifted her chin upwards to see the lifeless colors in her eyes, then back at the screen. I smiled, I tossed her to the side. She still got some light in her.

"Princess..." Edge spoke softly.

She screamed, "No! I. AM. NOT. YOUR... princess." She whispered the last part. "Go home imaginary friend."

He took a step back to the circle as he put his head down. "To let you know, Lucie has been taking good care of me while I was gone. But now I think he is furious. We will meet again soon." He lowered his head as vanished just like that. I waited for him, when he arrived in my room he scattered to the corner. "My lord." I gave him the sideway stare. "The ring isn't sure yet. That's the good news." I turned my body over to him. "The good news is we will be seeing her again?" He whimpered. I growled.

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