Rhodstead- Request

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Requested by: @Thankslife2

Connor POV:

How did this all happen? One moment I was talking to Will. The next I'm performing heart surgery on my own father.

I never told Dr. Latham or Dr. Becker that he was my father. If they knew I'd be out in the waiting room. I can't do that, I promised him.

My father and I may have our differences but that doesn't mean I don't love him. Well, more like care for him, I don't know if I can say I love him.

"Dr. Rhodes, pay attention. This man is dying on our table, unless of course you'd rather tell his family that he's dead. In that case feel free to continue daydreaming." Dr. Latham scolds.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." I mumble trying to focus on my father.

We continue on with the surgery, and everything is going great. That is, until my father's heart won't start.

"Charge to 200!" I shout as I'm handed the paddles, "Clear!"

I shock my father's heart and wait for it to start beating again.


"Dr. Rhodes! Do it again!" Dr. Becker shouts.

"Charge to 300. Clear!"

I wait. Nothing. But then it starts beating. And then it stops again.

"Charge to 400. Clear!"

I wait. Nothing. And then it starts beating. Slowly and first, but soon it's right where it should be.

"Great job. Dr. Rhodes, would you like to inform the family?"

I nod before going to find Claire and tell her that Dad made it.


"Connor! How's dad?"

"He should be fine. We had some complications however. When we we're trying to wing him off ByPass his heart stopped. We shocked him, and it eventually came back. We won't know if this has any long lasting effects until he wakes up." I say my voice breaking at the end.

"Thank you Connor!" She says as she embraces me into a large hug.

I hug her back, briefly before leaving. I run into a supply closet and break down.

I slid to the floor, the tears flowing fast. I'm a mess. I can't let anyone find me in here like this.

I attempt to pull myself together, but I can't. That was to much. I was so close to killing my own father. But who knows, he could be brain dead. All my efforts to seem strong, all for what? For saving my father? What good does that do if he never wakes up? Claire would never forgive me. I'd be forgotten from my family again. I'd become an even bigger disappointment. First it was that I didn't take on the family business, the other is that I may have put my father in a coma.

Why did I think I could do this? If I can't save my father, why would I be able to save anyone else? I should just let Dr. Becker have my spot in the conjoined twin surgery.

Just as I'm about to give my spot to her I hear the door open.

"Connor?" I hear Will ask.

"Yeah?" I say trying to seem strong, but my voice cracked at the end.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks sitting next to me.

"I... I just did surgery on my dad. And... he... he might be in a coma."

"Wait, you did surgery on your dad?"

"Yeah... no one knew he was my dad though..."

"Aww Connor, that's awful. Come on, you need to rest."

"Wh.. What?"

"You need to go home, and I'm taking you there. Come on, that's it." He says as he helps me stand up.

"Th... thank you."

"It's my pleasure."


Will POV:

I hate seeing him like this. He shouldn't have to go through this alone. He just reconnected with Claire, he can't lose her again.

I managed to get him to lie on the couch. Only if I woke him up as soon as I heard anything. Then I hear my phone ring. I quickly pick it up seeing it was Maggie calling me.


"His dad is awake, no side affects so far. He's asking for Connor."

"Thanks, Maggie, I'll get him there as soon as I can."

I hang up and walk over to Connor. I kneel down next to him and try to shake him awake. No movement. Wow, he must of been really exhausted.

"Connor... your dad is awake, and he's fine. If you want to go see him you need to wake up."

"He is? Your sure?" He asks slowly sitting up trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Do you wanna go see him?"

"I... I guess."


Connor POV:

"Dad...?" I ask as I walk into his room.

"You did the surgery?" He asks.

"Yeah... why?"

"And you didn't kill me?"

"Well, you're talking right now, right?"

"Stop being smart. I'm just shocked you actually didn't kill me."

"Dad, I'm a great surgeon. And your a fool for not seeing that, goodbye." I say before I leave his room.

"Connor, what's wrong?" Will asks approaching me.

"My dad's an idiot. He's surprised I didn't kill him, I'm done with him. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to see him."

"It's okay, you don't need him. You've got your friends, and I know for a fact I'll never leave you." He says placing his arm around my shoulder.

"Haha thanks Will. You're the best."

At least I have Will, and I know he'll never be surprised when I save a life.


AN: I hope you guys enjoyed that request! I'm worried it's very good considering I don't ship them, considering it goes against Manstead. So, again, let me know if you have anything you'd like me to write!!

Also, if you're still waiting for me to write a request please let me know!! If you commented it, let me know what chapter, and if you messaged me just remind me! I'm really sorry if your still waiting! At one point I had like 5 requests at once, so I tried to write all of them.

Have a great day/night! 😘

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