Chapter 7

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I hear a soft noise, a soft musical noise. I recognize it, it is very faint but I know I have heard it before but where? I try to listen harder and as I do the sound becomes clearer and stronger.

It is humming, someone is humming it sounds so beautiful and soothing. It is a feminine voice it is far too high to belong to any male werewolf i-ts my mother, my mother's humming.

She has never sung to me but when I was upset or could not get to sleep she would hum this tune your mother passed down to her she told me she sang it to me since the moment I was born.

So why is she humming it now? Am I sleeping or falling asleep, my eyes are closed and I feel like I am dreaming. Maybe I have a fever my mother would also hum when I was ill, but which one is it?

"Azalea, Azalea my fiică please wake up, open your eyes." The voice is very coaxing and calming my fiică that has to be my mother only she has every called me that.

I break through the haze of my mind and the darkness by forcing my eyes open and I am met with the warm splendor of my bedroom.

I know right away where I am and where the glow is coming from my oil lamp next to my bed on my end table.

I feel a brush of soft skin and I turn toward it. I blink up at my mother she is still dressed in her ceremony dress with her hair still done up.

I look down at myself and see as well as feel my ceremony dress as well the pink azalea flowers stand out against the glow of the room.

"There you are my fiică you had me worried, you worried everyone. How are you feeling are you feeling ill?"

I clear my throat trying to find my voice and the answer to her question. I feel fine just exhausted and wary.

"I am fine just tired but I do not think I am sick; what happened?" Did I perhaps have a fainting spell? Did I get overheated or more likely overwhelmed?

"I believe you fainted from what I assume was surprise. You fainted after what the Star Bătrânii said. You scared me so much Azalea for a second I thought I had lost you. Do not ever do that to me again I cannot handle that fear."

I sit up quickly and hug my mother she sounded so distressed and emotional this makes me feel so guilty that I caused her to feel that way.

"I am so sorry mother I- I did not mean to. I ju-just think I got over whelmed with all the news about my mate. My mate, mother did all that really happen? Please tell me that was not a dream."

As soon as I awoke and saw my mother in her dress I did remember everything but I was too fearful to get my hopes up in case I really did dream all that.

She laughs a happy laugh not a humorless one. "Yes Azalea you were given your mate." She pulls me back to look at me and she is crying slightly.

"I am so happy for you. I told you, I knew the stars would bless you. You are too good of girl for them not to."

I do not know what to think or feel I have a mate I finally have a mate. After all this time I finally got what I wanted.

I am so confused with emotions I do not know which to betray which one to confront. Then I remember the very thing that must have caused me to faint.

"And, what about what the Bătrânii said he- he said I am to bare the packs future alpha, did that happen too?"

She releases a breathy sigh "Yes Azalea all that happened you are going to be a mother and I am going to be a grandmother. I am so excited and so happy for you."

My mother starts sobbing I do not even have time to think about what she said because she is crying so hard.

"Mother please calm down I do not want you to get sick over me. This is good news so no more tears please you are going to make me start to cry."

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