Remember Me [16]

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That night, when we all got back home, I stayed awake and spied on Eric. It was half an hour before midnight and everyone was asleep. I crept down the stairs and stopped a few steps before reached the ground and watched him as he zipped up his black jacket, in the living room. The door was left open so I could see him clearly from where I was sitting. 

I wondered where he was going but remembering the phone call, earlier today, I knew he was going to see Emily. He looked a little dressed up; combed hair, casual but nice clothes and the smart shoes dad said he could have. It was almost midnight, I wonder what he was going to do when he gets there. When was he going to come back? 

I went down another step and the stair creaked. Luckily, Eric hadn't seemed to notice, he was busy tying the laces on his shoes. 

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a a couple of hours," Eric said. 

Was he talking to me? 

"Rose, stop hiding, I can see you," he said as he turned around. 

I stood up and climbed down the stairs, entered the living room and sat on the sofa opposite to him. "Your going to see her?" 

"Yes, that's right," he said, finishing doing both his laces. 

"Why go so late?" I asked. 

"She want's me to take her to see the stars and it's also her birthday in about... half an hour," he said. 

"Well, happy birthday to her," I smiled. "How old is she going to be?" 

"Um..." he looked up at the ceiling as he tried to remember. "Twenty one." 

"Aren't you going to go? The poor girl must be falling asleep." I joked. "Does she live near?" 

"Yeah, your right, I should be going," he said standing up with me. "She live's quite far from here but I'm sure I'll be able to make it to her house on time." 

He grabbbed the gift and put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, Rose. If I break up with her, I will defiantly chose you." 

"Shut up," I laughed and pushed his arms off me. "By the way, remember the deal. I don't want you telling her about it so you can win." 

"I won't, I promise." He opened the front door and stepped outside. "I guess I'll be going." 

"Yeah," I said. "How are you going to travel? You're not stealing another motorbike, are you?" 

He chuckled. "No," he answered. "I might just walk really fast." 

"You want any money?" I asked. "You didn't even get her a gift so money might just be the next best thing." 

"Nah, it's cool," he said. "She''ll live." 

"Can I ever meet her?" 

"Maybe... one day," he said, hesitating a little. 

"So... have a safe journey," I said. 

He nodded. "I'll see you later." 

"Tell her I said, happy birthday," I said, loudly as he walked further away. 

He turned back and shouted 'okay' and waved one last time and continued to walk. I stood there watching him walk away really quickly. He kept turning to wave and I laughed, waving back at him until he disappeared into the distance. I shut the door, quietly, trying not to wake anybody up. 

*  *  *

The scorching sunshine shone brightly the next morning but then again, it was like that every day. I was feeding myself on some delicious pancakes and syrup that Celeste and dad had made. Harry was say opposite me, finishing he last one whilst I was still on my second. Eric was fast asleep in the attic when I had last checked up on him, which was about ten minutes ago. He was missing out on the amazing breakfast that had been prepared. 

Remember Me [F I N I S H E D - I S H - will be rewriting soon]Where stories live. Discover now