his day

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Coles pov
I walked inside to surprise my girlfriend Brooke showing her I came back early from my trip to Texas only to find a surprise myself.
C- what the hell Brooke
B- baby this isn't what it looks like
C- oh really then please explain cause it looks like your cheating on me so please explain how that's not the case
B- ok it is what it looks like but I love you and I'm very sorry I didn't mean to do this
C- and in my bed to out of all places to cheat you bring him back here how heartless are you
B- babe please hear me out
C- no were done now get out both of you out
B- in my defense you weren't even supposed to be home
I rolled my eyes and headed out of my room
B- where are you going
C- doesn't concern you cause I'm not yours anymore
B- but coley
C- stop ok just stop now I'm leaving and I expect you to have whatever stuff you have out of here by the time I get back and I want my stuff here understand
B- yes
C- good now see ya
I grabbed my things and put them back in the car and then called the guys and we all agreed what was needed. We're heading out to Vegas

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