Chapter 20

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**1 year later**

**Morgans POV**

Me and Hayes have been dating for almost 2 years now, and honestly have been growing since. We have been getting along real well, we barely ever fight. Hannah and Karsten broke up, but are still best friends. Me & Hannah are still best friends, but we arent friends with Caitlyn or Lily. I have got my memory back, and remember every thing that i remembered before. Hayes & I finished 8th grade and now will attend Davidson Day highschool. p.s. Hayes actually has been doing good in school. Not just acedemically, but repecting teachers too. It has been a great middle school year, and I cant wait to start high school with Hayes Benjamin Grier.

**Karsten's POV**

It was now the end 8th grade year, and lets just say I miss Hannah. I miss the times we had together, and most of all, I miss #Kannah. It was a dumb ship name, but when it was me and her, it didn't matter. I approched Hannah by our normal tree.

"Well, this is the end of 8th grade," she sighed.

"Yeah, I guess so.." i said, looking down.

She pulled me into a hug and was about to cry. See this is how I know Hannah, when she started to cry she grabs on to my shirt, and digs her little chin into my shoulder; she thinks i dont know, but i do. 

"Hey, whats wrong?" i said pulling away, and tilted her chin up.

"We're going to be in highschool.. You're going to find someone else." she cried, and I wiped her tears away.

"Maybe thats true." She looked back down.

"But you know what else is true?" I asked.


"What i know now is I was Hannah Lancast."

She looked up with her glossy eyes.


I smiled, showing my braces.

she pulled me back into a hug.

So i guess everything isn't what it seems, 8th grade really i the best year.

**Hayes' POV*

And just like that, 8th grade was over. The summer nights will now take place, and I can spend it with one of the people who mean most to me. My little sister. Just kidding, although that may be true. I'll be spending my summer with Morgan, beautiful morgan. she meant a lot to me, and I hope I meant a lot to her. I got her a surprise. 


We were walking through the mall, when a necklace crossed her eyes.

"look hayes, it's a diamond owl."

I smiled.

Owls were our thing, you see. We used to sneak out the summer after 7th grade, and when it was past curfew a cop drove past, it was so funny. We jumped in bushes, and we didn't talk. The only thing we could hear was owls cooing. Thats why Owls are our thing.

**end of flashback**

I walked to Morgans house, and walked in her house. (Yeah, we just walk in). she was laying on her couch.

"Lets watch a movie" she smiled. I sat on the couch with her, and she put her head on my right shoulder.

We put in high school musical 2, our movie.

When it was the scene when Troy gives Gabriella her 'T' necklace, i grabbed the box from my pocket.

"Hey mo?"


"I got you something, turn around." she turned around and i put the owl necklace around her neck

Her face lit up, and she smiled.

She hugged me and started crying.

I kissed her head.

its been a great year.



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