Chapter 16

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**Morgans POV**

I woke up not remembering anything, again. I didn't remember what happened yesterday, the day before, or even 3 minutes ago. It's hard. I don't even remember why I can't remember things. I walked down stairs to my mom sipping coffee, and reading a book.

"Hey honey," she said.

"Who's honey?" I asked.

She sighed and continued reading TFIOS book. At least that's what it said on the cover. I took out cereal, and some milk, and sat at the table.

"You need to get ready for school,"

"Why?" I asked

"Because you need to go back today."

I nodded and checked my phone. Or at least I think it was my phone. I texted Hannah back, I told her I was going to school. She replied with a happy face, which I don't know how she did it. I got ready, and my mom took me to school. I walked around, I didn't know my way around here. I was confused, until Hannah walked right up to me.

"Hey," she smiled. I smiled back and she hugged me tightly.

"Want to go over to Karsten and Hayes?"

"Who's that?"

She sighed.

"Hayes is your boyfriend."

"What? I don't have a boyfriend."

She sighed before pulling me over to a boy with beautiful dark brown hair, long eyelashes and bright blue eyes. I don't have a boyfriend, but if I did have one he'd be the first on I picked.

"How's your day?" He asked.

"Good. What's your name again?"

He sighed.


He looked sad, like someone ripped out his heart, or maybe even broke it.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded.

Hannah and a guy with blond hair and braces were starring at me.

"I'm Karsten," the boy said.

I smiled.

"I'm Morgan."

We walked into the school and I didn't know what to do next.

Hannah guided me.

"This is your locker."

I looked at it,

"What's the code?"

She took my planner and read the numbers.

"You have to skip the 2nd number then press in."

I nodded, it took me 3 tries but I eventually got it.

She walked me to my first class. I remembered the guy sitting next to me, I met him this morning.

I smiled at it.

"I'm Hayes," he said shaking my hand, sighing a little bit.

"I know, I met you this morning."

He started smiling, his white teeth were blinding me in a good way, I smiled back and took a seat.

A guy wearing a suit walked in, and greeted us.

"Hey Morgan! Good to see you back," he said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

Half the class laughed, Hayes didn't.

"Morgan, today is not the day for jokes."

I was confused.

I haven't met this man in my life,

"No she really doesn't remember you."

"Hayes, I don't need this."

"Need what?"

"These silly games, I can't deal with it today."

"SHES NOT JOKING!" He yelled, it hurt my head, really bad.

"Hayes, raise your voice at me one more time and it's SSC."

"She got in an accident. She probably won't regain her memory for awhile. She doesn't even remember what she ate yesterday, or did yesterday. She doesn't remember anything. She only remembers things from 2-3 years ago! So who ever is laughing, SHUT THE HELL UP!" hayes blurted, my head really hurt. But what does he mean accident?

"Get out of my class room, now!"

He got up from the blue desk next to mine and slammed the door shut.

I walked out and ran after him.


I said, I didn't know my way around.

"Hayes?" I cried again.

"HAYES!" I screamed, I was looking, and scared. I got lost, I didn't know where I was going.

I walked around a corner and saw Hayes' head in his hands.

"Hayes?" I asked, planting my hand on his shoulder.

"You remember my name?" He asked.

"Of course."

"You forget things."

"Can you just be truthful? What happened that night?" I asked.

"You were in the school. Me and Karsten were changing our grades, and we were high." I looked at him for a few moments with a blank face, and let him finish.

"I didn't know who you were. Me and Karsten were running, it was so dark, I couldn't see a thing. I ran, because the girl that fell seemed fine- but she wasn't. It was you that fell and hurt your head. It was my fault. And now you don't even remember me."

"Of course I do, you're Hayes."

He rolled his eyes.

"I know, but I'm also your boyfriend."

I smiled

"Then if you say you're my boyfriend, I believe you."

He smiled, then frowned again. I hugged him, even though I don't remember having a boyfriend. The only boyfriend I've has was Reed in the 4th grade.

But that's okay, because I do believe him.

Maybe I'll remember everything I forgot someday.

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