Chapter 9

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I promised an update yesterday. I fell asleep updating luckily it saved hahah.

**Hayes' POV**

Today Morgan invited Hannah, Karsten, and I over to her house. I've only been there a few times for like 5 minutes then we left. Her mom was okay with it, surprisingly. I mean it was just us. I just had to go to detention after school. I was got in an argument with Mr.Green, about how he's a dick. I mean he doesn't need to be a dick or else I wouldn't call him that. I have to pay 30 minutes after school, along with Karsten for throwing food at Jackson Scott for flirting with Hannah. He also hit him a couple times. So the girls were going home,

We walked into the cold detention room, where Mrs.Newton was sitting there, playing on her phone, like always.

"Have a seat" she mumbled, with her raspy annoying voice.

Me and Karsten giggled, and notice we were the only ones here. We took a seat, and just sat there.

"This isn't going to be no breakfast club, you guys are going to sit there, not say a word, while I go get my worksheets off the copier, am I clear?" She said, planting her feet on the tile.

Me and Karsten nodded, as she walked out the door.

Me and Karsten started our conversation.

"I'm so excited for tonight, man." Karsten blushed.

"So, you and Hannah, huh?"

he smiled.

"I thought so," I said sarcastically.

"So what's up with you and Morgan? Huh?"

"Nothing really. I mean I like her, but I'm not 100% sure she likes me back."

"Hayes you're so dumb, really."


"She's going head over ass for you."

"You mean head over heels? Technically you're ass is already behind your he-"

"Shut the fuck up ass hole. What I'm trying to say is she likes you and you can OBVIOUSLY tell. Dumb. Ass."

"Yeah I guess."

"You guess? Shut the fuck up." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock. 15 more minutes, and I'm how of this hell hole.


When the teacher came in, she dismissed us 13 minutes earlier.

I road my penny board, and he road his skateboard, down to Morgans house.

I couldn't wait to see her.

When we arrived to her house, we knocked on her door. Hannah opened the door and invited us in.

Morgan was on the couch studying, like always. She always wanted good grades, and always did her best. Why I was good with passing by a C-.

I walked over and sat on her lap, allowing the pages of her text book to rip.

"Hayes get off, you're ruining these pages! And we have a huge class tomorrow for Mr.Clarks." She whined.

"Stop being boring and let's do something." I added, crossed my toned arms.

"Okay, wanna watch a movie?" Hannah asked.

"As long as it's scary," Karsten said raising his eyebrows, allowing his forehead to crinkle.

I sat next to Morgan, and took her books out of her hand and set it down on the floor.

She rolled her eyes, and smiled.

"Wait how about we play truth or dare, and THEN we watch a movie." Hannah pleaded

We all nodded and get in a circle on the floor, cuddling up in blankets.

"Karsten you go first," Hannah demanded.

He shrugged and looked right at me.

"Truth or dare, Hayes?"


I was always the risky type. Give me a dare, I do it.

"I dare you to kiss Morgan, for 3 seconds."

I turned to Morgan, and her face was bright red.

**morgans pov*^

"I dare you to kiss Morgan, for 3 seconds" Karsten spoke, as his raspy voice echoed in my head

kiss Morgan

kiss Morgan

kiss Morgan

I turned to Hayes, who grabbed my cheeks, and started rubbing his thumbs in a circular motion. I looked down, avoiding his eye contact.

He pulled me closer, until our lips connected.

3 seconds passed





Then our lips disconnected, and he smirked. His hot breath, blowing on my soft skin.

I smiled and then Hayes dared Karsten to air hump Hannah, so he did. It was really funny, and Hannah was blushing so much, it was so funny.

When it was over, you know, the game, we sat up on the couches, and Hayes put a blanket over us.

I think he actually likes me.

**Hayes POV**

I looked at the clock and it was 9:30. We were leaving at 10, but I felt Morgan rest her head on me. I smiled and looked down at her beautiful eyes, now beginning to shut. Soon she was dead asleep. I rested my head on hers, and then noticed I fell asleep too.

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