Chapter 11 - April Fools! Oh it's February? Well surprise!

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We meet Vinnie and Rick back downstairs, grab a jacket, and then go out to get on our bikes. The town isn’t as big as New York, but I have no idea which direction to even start a search. So I hop on Winnie and wait for instructions.

“They are north of here, so at least they will be on the way,” Rick says. He leads the way into downtown New Bedford where we find the blonde bombers standing in from of City Hall. We park our bikes near theirs and walk over to them. They seem to be discussing something.

“Oh hi guys,” Liam says when we are close enough to talk. He looks like he is trying to hold back a smile.

“What have you guys been up to?” I ask in my stern, authoritative voice.

“Us? Nothing at all. We were just getting ready to call you guys down so you can see what we found,” Kyle says. “Follow me.”

He leads us up the steps to City Hall and directs us to one of the rooms. Inside the room every piece of furniture is on the ceiling. There are already five other people in the room staring up at it trying to figure out how it got there.

“Wow, someone is playing an April Fools’ Day joke a little early,” I say laughing trying to act like seeing furniture in the opposite place of where it should be is a common occurrence.

“Crazy stuff like this has been happening a lot around here,” a man answers coming over to us. “Hi, I am Mayor Michaels. You guys don’t look familiar, are you from out of town?”

“Yes we are from New York and took the trip out here to see the Whaling Museum,” Kyle responds for me.

“Well welcome to our city,” the mayor replies. “I hope the practical joker allows you to enjoy your trip.”

The rest of his group is focused in our direction so they totally miss when the furniture magically rights itself. Everything just floated back down into its proper place like nothing was ever amiss. I look over to Nate to make sure I didn’t just imagine it and he gives me a wink.

“You aren’t crazy,” he says to me telepathically.

“That’s good to know. I think I want to get out of here,” I reply via the same method.

“Thank you for the warm welcome mayor. We really do need to be heading out. A lot of things to see and do in the area, you know,” Nate says.

“That’s true,” he replies. “If you have any questions, feel free to come back and ask.”

We shuffle back out of the room and hear gasps and shouts when the group finally turns around and sees nothing wrong. When we get out to our bikes the berserkers cannot stop laughing and like a fool Rick joins them.

“We have seen stuff like that all over town. It has been one of the best mornings ever. See look over there,” Kyle says pointing across the street.

I look over to see a woman talking to a loaf of bread. She is cradling it like a baby, so I am guessing she assumes it is her child. I hope the real child is currently with someone else and not sitting at the grocery store waiting for its mommy.

“That is not funny,” I tell the berserkers smacking them both on the arms. “So we have mass audience pranks like we saw with the furniture and we have individualized delusions. We really need to find this being and ask him to either stop or move on and space out the pranks a little. Rick, Liam are you feeling the extra power in the city north of us?”

“Yeah, I can feel Joseph west of us now and there is still something to the north,” Rick replies.

“Same here,” Liam agrees.

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