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Third Person's POV


She glanced outside towards the pool where he was swimming and she crossed her arms, watching him swim. She planned on swimming, but after seeing him in the pool, beating her to it, she wasn't sure if she wanted to swim. She suddenly felt sick and she head back inside, wanting to make herself a cup of hot chocolate. She look down in the cup, as she stirred the hot chocolate. Why does it smell weird? She sniffed the chocolate and she scrunched her nose. Is it the milk? She smelled the milk and she slowly gagged. She then toss the whole hot chocolate into the sink, feeling sick. That was her favourite drink, but she didn't feel up to it, not knowing why.

"I'm hungry" Neveah stated.

"Me too" Morgan said, as she went to go through the fridge. She instantly saw the raw meat and she felt like she wanted to eat steak. As she slowly brought the meat out and place it on the counter, she went to open the packet. As she smelled the raw meat, she instantly cupped her mouth, feeling sick. She calmed herself down and slowly removed her hand, as she smelled it once again, she instantly gagged and head towards the bathroom, before spilling out all the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.

"Ugh. I feel so sick" Neveah said, as Morgan kept throwing up. After she was done, Morgan quickly flushed down the contents of the toilet bowl, before cleaning the toilet a little, getting rid of any smell and any scent. She went to brush her teeth, getting rid of the disgusting taste in her mouth, before rinsing out. She went to spray the air freshener in the bathroom, before she head out of the bathroom.

"What's wrong with us?" Morgan wondered, as she went to grab some fresh air outside. As she was about to head out, she saw Minhyuk soaking wet and was about to enter the house, only wearing his swimming trunks. He look at her that looks slightly pale.

"You okay?" He asked, wanting to cup her face, but she quickly avoided his touch and head outside, feeling the fresh air sipping into her nostrils and calming her nerves down. Minhyuk watch her that went to sit on the lounge chair, her face in pain as she massaged her temple. Minhyuk just stared at her, his eyes in a glare. As she felt a hot stare burning the side of her head, she turned and look towards the clear glass door and saw him glaring at her, his arms crossed. She instantly look away, feeling weird inside.

"Why do I feel guilty?" Morgan asked.

"Was he reaching out to us?" Neveah asked at the same time. Morgan felt a shiver run down her spine at the way he glared at her. She glanced down at her belly.

"I feel weird" Morgan said, as she put a hand over her belly.

"Me too" Neveah said, as they both started feeling nervous.


Morgan glanced at Minhyuk that was walking ahead of her, as they went out to eat. Somehow, they manage to agree upon eating outside. She glanced at him wearing simple jeans and a white shirt. He had his hands in his pockets, walking casually and somehow looks calm. She was cold from the strong night breeze, which she was surprised because the cold never really bothered her. She watch as he casually pulls out his phone and he looks down on it, before slipping it back into his pocket. Minhyuk felt her stare on him and he let her stare however much she wants. He then stopped in his tracks, making her stop as well. He then slowly turn to look at her, she was hugging herself, feeling cold.

"Hmm?" She hummed, questioningly as she saw his outstretched hand towards her. He just look at her, waiting for her to take his hand. She slowly reach out and take his hand, feeling the sparks emit from their touch and instantly sending warmth through her whole body. He then pull her slowly to stand beside him, before they walk hand in hand towards the lobby. They head towards the reception desk, wanting to eat at the hotel's restaurant.

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