Bonus Chapter

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||-| Jealous Boyfriends |-||

—Kenny's POV—

((This takes place after the birthday by a few months))

It's been two days and (y/n) hasn't sent me one message or phone call. Now you might be wondering why I don't just call her or send a message. Well I don't want to look clingy. So here I am, my phone on my table while I sit on my couch with my chin on my hands thinking wether or not to call or text her.

I waited about twenty minutes before I decide to call her. Dialing her number I hear the phone ring. With a click I hear a voice. "What do you mean (y/n)?!" Kyle's voice? Confused I continue to listen. "You know very well why we're doing this! So we can go have some fun And go to the next stage!!!" I instantly feel the color drain from my face. (Y/n) is cheating on me?! With a click I hang up.

Wait wait no no. She wouldn't do that. No way she would. Plus Kyle is gay.

He might actually be Bisexual.

Oh crap. I decide to call Stan and ask him if he knew what was going on. "Hello?" "Hey Stan! Do you know what Kyle is doing?" "No. Why?" "Is Kyle gay or bi?!" "Why are you asking?" "You know what. Just a meet me at the house across from (y/n)'s home." "Why ke-" I hang up and starts to leave and make my way there. Normally I wouldn't be this frantic but Kyle makes me a bit paranoid. I know there just friends but apart of me feels like there not.

•—Little a Time Skip given to you by—•
•—Yandere Kyle—•

I hide behind a bush when Stan comes. "Dude. What the heck are you-" "SHHHHHH!!!!" Pulling him in I use the convenient binoculars I had and spy through the window. "There not in there! Where could they be?!!!" I fell the annoyance start radiating off of Stan as I spy on my girlfriend and his boyfriend who are 'best friends'. "Dude. There probably hanging out or something." "SHSHSHSH!!!!" I place a gunfire in Stans mouth as I see the front door open. (Y/n) and Kyle leave the house, (y/n) is wearing a shoulder revealing (f/c) sweater that covers her rear and blue short shorts that barely poke out from under it with brown uggs. Kyle looks to be wearing his normal clothes though.

The two are talking as they leave and head to town. "THEY LOOK LIKE THERE ON A DATE!!!" I don't know why but my eyes are doing that weird anime thing where I see the flowers around them. There both smiling and laughing happily like they were a couple. I believe Stan is seeing it too because he now is watching them like a hawk with a look of horror. "Well! What are waiting for let's go!!!" I nod my head we start to tail them.

•— Another time skip.... Oh crap. He's—•
•—Here!! *starts running* —•

It's been about two hours of us tailing our partners who look to be on a date. There getting ice cream now after buying some clothes from the store. It looks so much like a date that people are actually whispering about how they look like a great couple. With every person that says that I feel my self feel insecure. Because it's true.

The whole time Kyle looked to have been a better match for (y/n) then me. Slowly I start to enter my depressing dating thoughts when Stan shakes me. "WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING?!" I look up to see Kyle had some ice cream on his face and (y/n) to lick it off. Kyle blushes a bit and starts to yell like he does when he's nervous while she giggles. Me and Stan just stared. They looked so much like a couple it made me look like a scam. I turn to Tan and he looks like he wants to go beat the shit out of someone.

"Hey... wanna go interrogate them at her house?" I look up surprised to see Stan so aggressive. "Sure. But we don't hurt them." Stan looks at me surprised. "I had no intention too." With that we start to head to (y/n)'s house.

•— *breaths fast* I should never have agreed to this! "Oh author-San! I've come for you!" GAH! KYLE! Wai- "Oh. Time skip brought to you by me~ ❤️" —•

We waited in her living room for hours. Then I heard laughter coming from upstairs. "How the fuck did they get pat us?!" We both jump up and run to her room. Bursting through the door we prepare ourselves to accuse them of cheating. "Wha-" me and Stan's mouth drop. There sitting on the floor with a bag of candy and in Maid uniforms were (y/n) and Kyle playing Super Smash Brawls Story mode. Almost instantly Kyle's face changes colors from his normal pale skin to a sudden shade of red.

"Oh! Ken! How long have you been here?" The words tumbled from my mouth but nothing can be heard as I see her. The skirt hardly covered her but and it exposed a lot of her (s/c) legs. I hear a gag and turn to see Stan rushing out the room to the trash can. "G-get out!" A pillow collided with my face and I realize Kyle threw it. I run out and trip down the stairs. Then the blackness came over.

—Your POV—

"(Y/n)!!!" I start to laugh hysterically as Kenny and Stan leave the room. "I had a feeling they would be following us!!!" Kyle looks at me surprised. "I-is that's why you had me answer the phone but not talk to Kenny?!" Nodding my head as I grip my stomach, not being able to stop laughing. "(Y/n)!!!! Now the surprise is ruined!!!" Slowly gaining my composure I continuously giggle. "N-no it hasn't! W-we just need to send  it to them now!" Kyle's face blush darkens into a crimson red. "D-do we have too?" Nodding my head I finally stop laughing. "Yeah. We need too, to make up for teasing them today. But seeing them burst into my room was so worth it. Did you see there faces?" Kyle nods and nervously messes with his red curly hair. Taking my phone out I send the two photos to our amazingly funny  boyfriends.

I wake up on (y/n)'s couch and see Stan next to me a red mess and staring at his phone. "W-what happened?" Stan looks at me fast and stands up. "I-I gotta go Kenny! Nice seeing ya!" Stan rushes out the house blushing. With a buzz I see my phone in my pocket glowing faintly. Along it out I see the notification with a message from (y/n). Slowly I open it and almost instantly my nose starts to bleed. The picture I saw killed me.

—No POV—
Now what was the pictures that was so strong it made Stan run out the house with tent and kill Kenny from a nose bleed? Two images. One for each boy.

One of Kyle in a maid outfit lifting his skirt on a teasingly way with out showing anything and a nervous look for Stan. And one of (y/n) in also in a maid outfit, laying on a bed in a pose that covers the naccesity but teasingly making Kenny want to see more.


Well I'm back from the dead. Thanks for nothing Yandere Kyle! So guys I hope you enjoy the last chapter of A Fixer Upper and join me soon in the sequel! See ya then


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