Why Cant I get Some Peace?!

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—Your POV—

I wake up in my parents bed and yawn. "Dew... this isn't my bed..." 'I thought you would like more room though babe!' "Stop calling me babe." I don't know why but since we left the hospital all he's been doing is referring to me as babe. It's annoying and I can't take it to the point I just went to sleep yesterday while he did as he pleased.

Yawning I go down stairs to my kitchen to find something to eat. There's nothing. "God Dang it... forgot mom and dad are still doing there 'job'." Giving up on the idea of food from the kitchen I go upstairs and start to get dressed. I decide to put on a grey button up hoody and a red beanie hat with a flower attached. I put long stalkings that are red and black in a checkered pattern and some black shorts on. After I get my black ankle boots on I slip my red gloves that matched my hat on. (Pic above, change person to you if they don't look like you)

I stand in front of a mirror and turn around. "So Dew! What do you think? Think I look cute and not otaku-ish?" My voice is sarcastic at the last part because I honestly don't give a crap at what others think of me, except Kenny. 'Oh yeah! Totally fine! I might have to take control to fight off some bad people that get near you!' I huff and roll my eyes. "Dew. I know how to keep my self safe thank you. Plus. I'm not going to be alone. I'm going to meet Karen and Kenny." I smooth out my shirt with my hands and then grabs some cash from my stash and put it in my boot on a place it won't slip out.

'You hide your money in your boot? Have you ever heard of a wallet?' His sarcasm is so annoying! "Have you ever heard, 'Give my your wallet?' Yeah no. I have a better chance not being mugged if I clearly look like I have nothing on me." I start to head out and lock the door behind me.

As I walk I don't know why but I feel that I'm being followed. I turn around and see some of the guys that go to my school to be staring at me. "Oh crap..." This is why I don't wear normal clothes. I start to speed walk to Kenny's house now ignoring the fact that people are eyeing me like I'm some piece of candy.

When I finally reach Kenny's place I start to instantly knock on the door. A lady with red messy hair opens it wearing a shirt saying I'm with stupid. "He Miss.McCormick! May I please come in and see Karen?" She entry smiles at me "Sure hun! It's been a long time since I seen you. How things been?" I smile back at her "Good. I just got out the hospital yesterday!" "Aw! Well that's good news! Now com in Karen is in her room. Do you know where it is?"

I do a little salute and wink while sticking my tongue out a bit. "Yes ma'am!" She giggles a bit at this and let's me in. I head to Karen's room and find the fact Kenny was in there with her. He was helping her brush her hair and he looked like crap. I knock on the wall and they both look up at me in sync. "(Y/n)!!!" Karen reaches out but doesn't move because the brush is still in her hair. "Hey Karen!"

I smile and wave to her. "Hi Kenny!" He hasn't looked away and his mouth gaps open as if he is seeing a ghost. "What's wrong Kenny? Thought I couldn't wear normal clothes too?" He shakes his head and tears up a bit. He takes the brush out of Karen's hair gently and walks over to me. His ocean blue eyes get closer to my eyes. The blush starts to appear on my face and I take a step back.

Kenny wraps his arms around me and puts me in a tight embrace. He places his head in the crook of my neck and I feel tears. "Your really here?" I hug him back and let out a sigh. "Yeah I am." "Your not a ghost and I didn't die?" I laugh a little and pat his head. "No I'm not a ghost." Karen wedges herself in between my and Kenny and giggles. "We're a sandwich now!" I lean away from Kenny and laugh some more. "We're a McCormick sandwich!" I hug Kenny with her in the middle this time.

He laughs and hugs back while Karen giggles. After about two minutes of this we all make awkward faces and stare at reader directly in the eye. "We have enough?" Karen nods and so does Kenny. "Yeah." I let go of the hug. "So what do you guys wanna do?" Karen puts her hand to her chin and thinks long and hard. "Let's go to Starks Pond and ice skate!!!" I look at Kenny. "Only if your brother cleans himself up enough to not look like he got dragged through a dumpster." He looks at me surprised and sniffs himself. "Yes Kenny you reek of sex, alcohol, and perfume." I scrunch my nose up.

He looks a tad hurt and turns to Karen. "Do I smell bad?" She nods her nose and scrunches it too. "Well seems I'm going to be taking a shower." I toss him my house keys. "Go nuts. My parents are still out on business. And while you do that I'll get Karen here all ready!" I start to tickle her.  She lets out the most adorable giggles ever that cleanses my soul.  ('∀`)

I sit on her bed and put her on my lap. "How do you want your hair done?" She tosses her hands into the air. "I want pigtails!" "Pigtails it is Then!" I gently brush her hair and get two hair ties and tie them up. "There! All done!" She hops off and does a little twirl. "Thanks!" Ah my heart feels so warm when ever I'm with Karen. "Your welcome! Now. Let's go check up on your brother." I take her hand, we leave her house and head to mine.

As we walk to my house Karen jumps through the snow leaving foot prints behind her. I receive a message and stop to check it out. It's from a number I don't know.
'Don't you dare run'

"What?" I hear a squeak and turn to see Karen being grabbed by a man in a black hood. "Karen!!!" I slug the guy and send him flying. "Karen run!" I pick her up and throw her over the fence into whoever's backyard was there. Someone grabs my shoulder and drags me a bit before I kick them. I start sprinting away but feel a sharp prick in my neck. My feet start to slow down and my eyes start to close.

I pull something from my neck that looks oddly enough like a dart. "What....the fuck..." The ground seems to give way and everything goes black as I meet the freezing cold snow hit my face.

I come too in my concise and see Dew flouting in the air. "Hey Dew!" He doesn't respond and I see he's asleep. "Thank god! At least I don't have to deal with his bull shit sass." I just sit down and wait for my body to wake up. "I hope Karen got away and gets Kenny..." oh god Kenny.... he reeked of perfume and alcohol, but i still hope he cares enough about me to save me.

A Fixer Upper [Kenny x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now