The First Day {Part 1}

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Warning: Swearing

—Your POV—

The sound of an alarm... it's so annoying... I wake up fast to see my phone alarm is going off. I yawn and turn it off. Gah.... School already.... I don't- a cold breeze blows onto me and I realize I left my window open. The cold settles in and I start shivering. I walk to the window expecting to see the normal boring snowless scene but instead am greeted by the fresh layer of snow and familiar landscape of South Park Colorado.

A smile creeps on to my face as I close the window and remember that I moved back two days ago. I put on a (f/c) hoody and blue jean pants. Then put on my (s/f/c) scarf and matching hat on. I go down stairs and walk to the kitchen table and see mom cooking some eggs for breakfast.

"Morning mom!" I sit down and wait for my food. "Good morning (y/n). Today is your first day of high school here in South Park, so I want to remind you how the people here are." "I know mom. Everyone might have grown some and likely have become more like jerks but I'm sure they haven't changed enough to be unrecognizable." She hands me my food and sits across from my with a look of concern and understanding. "I know, I just want to make sure your prepared in case everyone isn't the same as they were when you left."

I finish my food and walk to the since and wash them. "I know mom. I'll take everything with a bit of salt like you tell me too." I turn and smile at her to reassure her. I see that look of worry leave her eyes a bit and smile more.

I go put my fluffy boots on and give mom a hug. "I'll be going now." "Okay... Please remember to not be surprised with the changes or to strain yourself to much." "Okay mom! Love ya!" I grab my (f/c) satchel bag and head off into the cold to the bus stop.

I reach the stop and wait for the bus alone. I look around to see if anyone is heading my way when I see Kyle a bit in the distance heading my way alone with headphones on, he looks a bit lonely and distracted. I wait for in to get to the stop before I grab his attention.

He reaches the bus stop and gives me a confused look. I smile and wave to him then make a motion to my ears asking for him to take his headphones off. He takes them off and I dainty hear music. "Hi Kyle!" "Hi... Who are you? How do you know my name?"

I realize five years have passed and he might not recognize me. I recognize him by his hat and the red curls that poke out of it. I giggle a bit "It's me silly! (F/n) (l/n) from the fourth grade!" His eyes widen a bit and he looks at me in surprise. "(Y/n)?! When did you get back?" I see him a smile and laugh a little at himself. "I moved back two days ago. I've been unpacking mainly so I didn't have a chance to say hi to y'all guys yet!" "Wow! I'm surprised how much you changed over the years!" I see him look up and down at me with a look of shock on his face. "You changed too! Your outfit taste hasn't but you've grown taller and still got your fine ass!" I do a double gun shot hand pose at him and wink a bit. "But your personality hasn't at all." "Same to you! So how's the gang been?"

I see him stiffen and his smile fade away. "Good I think." This surprises me, Kyle usually had a good idea what was going on with everyone but Cartman. "Did something happen while I was gone?" He looks at me sadly. "A lot actually happened. I'll explain sometime but don't ask me for details at the moment." He looks away and I decide not to talk anymore about them.

"Okay. So how's things been for you?" I tried to change the mood but Kyle just locks up more. "Nothing much (y/n)." We fall silent and I decide not to talk anymore. I turn and see Stan heading my way with Wendy Testaburger. [apologies if spelt wrong] Wow! There still together! They have been dating since the third grade. It's amazing to me to see such a devoted couple.

Kyle notices Stan and moves to the opposite side of me and puts his headphones back on. This action confuses me a bit but I decide not to question it. Stan and Wendy reach the stop and I decide to say hi. "Hi Stan! Hi Wendy! Long time no see!" They both turn and lo at me a bit confused. "It's me! (f/n) (l/n)! I'm back in town!"

I see Stan's eyes light up a bit. "Seriously?! It's great to see you again!" He hugs me and I hug back and feel Wendy give me the death glare. I let go and smile then walk to Wendy and whisper "He's not my type so don't worry." I smile and go back to my spot between Kyle and Stan. Stan notices Kyle and everything becomes a bit awkward. "H-hi Kyle...." "Hello Stan." The tension in the air tightens and I feel it a bit hard to breath.

I take a deep breath and decide to talk to Stan for a little. "So Stan! How's life been to ya here?" "Good. It seems you gained a accent when you moved though (y/n)." "Oh have I? I never noticed. Must have been the people I hung around. Anyway how's high school been to you?" "Good. I'm captain of the football team and am one of the most popular guys there."

"Wow! I totally didn't expect that to happen when I came back?! I expected you to become a smart ugly genius!" My voice has so much sarcasm I laugh a bit and Stan joins. "So you admit I'm handsome?" "Oh hell yeah. Your hot stuff firecracker. Just didn't expect you to get so tall though." Stan is at leasts  a foot taller then me and Kyle.

"So you fallen for me?" I start laughing my head off. I remember the bet me and Stan had in the second grade that he could make me fall in love with him. "Hell no! Your hot but still no were in my type zone or league." "What does that mean?" He acts hurt and I giggle some more. "I mean my league is to weird for you to be in it!" We laugh some more and I realize Wendy is still giving me the devils glare.

I see Kyle completely ignoring us and see he is listening to his music. "Hey Stan. How has things been for the group?" I see him slowly stop laughing and look at me confused. "Kyle didn't tell you?" "No. He kinda stiffened up and didn't wish to talk about it." I see his eyes look a bit sad and he sighs. "We don't hang out anymore."

"Oh re-. Wait what?" I look at Stan surprised. "We kinda drifted apart in middle school. I became popular, Cartman was an ass and still is I think, and Kenny is the biggest whore there now." "Stanley! You can't call Kenny a whore! I know he went through that anything for money thing but he can't seriously b-" "He is (y/n). He has almost fucked all the girls in that school now."

This took me by surprise about Kenny. I knew he was a pervert but I always though he would at least try in those sorts of relationships. "O-oh..." I turn away from him a bit sad and look at the ground. "Hey babe why don't we walk. I think the bus is running late." "We can't babe. My cars in the shop and it takes longer to walk then take the bus." They start to get on a little argument and I can't help but feel it's my fault a bit. I turn away and look at my phone and start to play some silly phone game.

After a little bit the bus comes and opens. I see the scraggly, yellow teeth, and fat bus lady. "Hey didn't you-" "GET ON THE BUS!!!!!" I jump and giggle at her. "Nice to see your back from the dead too." I follow Kyle on and I see it's as crowded as ever. I decide to sit next to Kyle since the only other empty seat I assume Wendy and Stan would want. "SIT DOWN!!!!!" I sit and look at Kyle and see he's lookin out the window. I go back to my phone and decide to talk to him when he wants too.

After about 10 minutes we reach the school and I get off and head inside next to Kyle. I lost Stan when Wendy dragged him off someplace. So I enter the school to see mayhem. Couples walking down the hall, kids getting bullied, some couples making out, and groups of friends together that are completely new to me while to solo kids try to get by. "Welcome to hell." I turn to see Kyle walk off after saying that and disappear into the craziness leaving me alone.

I take a good look at everything. Wow. It's crazier then when I left. I smile to myself and head off to find the office to get my schedule. I decide that at least life will not being boring here like it is back at the last place we lived.

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