A Night Alone with You

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—Your POV—

Mysterion puts you down in a alley behind the Taco Bell. My legs lightly shake a bit because he was jumping building to building and had quite a few close calls. "Never do that again!" He chuckles and pats my head lightly like I was Karen. I sigh still kinda mad and turn to get us some food. "Now I'm be back soon. You just stay here while I get us some food." He sits down on top a trash can and smiles. "I'll be here!" I leave the alley and enter the Taco Bell that was nearly empty.

I walk to the counter and see the goth girl from class there. "Welcome to Taco Bell.. What do you want?" Her voice is thick with the sounds of 'I don't really ducking care' and 'when's my shift over?' "I would like 10 crispy tacos please!" He rolls her eyes and places the order in her little computer thing that acts as the cash register too. "Your total is (what ever price)." Living my hand into my boot I take out the exact price and hand it to her. "Thank you for your patronage... Please come fucking again." A giggle escapes my mouth as I go take a seat to wait for my order. I start to scroll through my phone to see a what I might have missed. The bells on the door ring as a sign that someone enters and my eyes peak up a little but not enough for anyone to notice.

Three guys enter and are laughing. They notice me and start to whisper to each other. Well great. Hope they don't go near me.

They approach me like there some kinda hotshots. "Hey~! What's a pretty lady like you doing in a trash place like this?" I internally cringe at how cheesy that pick up line was. "I'm getting me and my friend dinner." They look at each other excitedly, probably expecting my friend to be a girl. One of the not so good looking ones lean on the table and gets close to me. "They nearby?" He does this weird thing with his eyes brows that make them look like worms.

Go the fuck away! "Yeah. They are actually, and they don't like waiting for there food." The goth girl places the bag with Kenny and my tacos. Standing up I grab it and leave. "Hey! Let's walk you both home!" One of the Guys grabs my arms and instantly I pull my arm away. I give them the scariest expression I have and deepen my voice. "You boys don't want to screw with me. I advise you fuck off." Surprised the boys back off from me. Turning on my heels I leave and don't look back.

I enter the alley behind the Taco Bell and don't see Kenny. "Hey! I'm here with the food." Nothing moves and the thought of Kenny trying to scare me crosses my head. I groan and look up to see it he's on the roofs. "Well well. Seems she lied to us!" I turn around and see the three guys blocking my exit. I have two options for this situation. Get past them and ditch Kenny or ignore them.

"Hey! If you don't hurry up and get here The I'm going to eat all the tacos!" I choose to ignore them. "H-Hey! Don't ignore us!" Turning around I flip them off. "Screw off. Y'all aren't even worth my time." They make a face like my personality doesn't match my face. Slowly I notice them starting to get pissed and approach me aggressively.

The sound of fabric hitting rock is heard and I look up to see Kenny in his Mysterion costume. "Here's the tacos!" I toss them in the air as Kenny catches them and I sucker punch one of the guys. Kenny lands on top another and the last guy just runs. "Told ya you weren't worth my time." Clapping my hands in a way to look like I was knocking dust off I take the bag back from Kenny.

I get scooped up by Mysterion and he climbs up the storm drains onto the roof. "No no no no!!! Not again!" He puts my down and I flick his forehead with my index finger. "I thought I said I wasn't doing that ever again!" He laughs a little and sits down on the roof. "I know. But your cute when you look scared and plus. It's not a look I get to see often." His ocean blue eyes look at me in a way I've never seen and I start to blush. I sit down and hand him one of the tacos while I eat one.

After a while I count my wrappers to make sure I only eat five of the ten. Since I left the hospital I felt like my appetite that I lost over the years come hit me like a train. So even though I ate already five I could for sure go for more. When we both finish I grab a rock and place it in the bag with our trash. Slowly I crawl to the edge of the roof and drop the bag into a open dumpster. With a loud crash that sounded like a gun shot people run to the ally in a panic.

I scoot away and laugh a little. "You shouldn't scare my citizens like that." Mysterion sounds stern but he's clearly trying to hide his laughter. Giggling I sit on his lap and put my arms around his neck. "Maybe I like being a bit bad?" I see his cheeks flush up and so doe mine a little. "Hey can you take me home please?" He turns his head and coughs. "U-Uh Um...!" Giggling I roll my eyes and turn his head so he's looking at me. "Not in that way." His face blushes more to the point the little of his face I could see was red. "R-right! If you don't mind being carried across the roofs?" I frown and think.

Shrugging my shoulders I wrap my arms around his neck tighter. My face gets closer to his and I feel his breath. "As long as you promise not to drop me." Instantly he stands up holding me bridal style and starts jumping roof to roof. Crap I don't like this! Stupid heights phobia!!!

With a sudden jerk I notice I'm in my backyard. Gently Mysterion puts me down and I stand up. "T-thanks." I open the door and enter letting him in too. The house is dark and unwelcoming looking with the lights off. "Welcome home..." I turn and smile at Kenny who took his hood and mask off. I walk up to him and put my arms around him again. "I'm angry you made me travel in such a way." His eyes widen in surprise. "Wait?! You said you-" I cut him off my kissing him tenderly on the lips. After a little bit he starts kissing back.

I break the kiss and give Kenny a mischievous smile. "I'll see you tomorrow at school. Please lock the door on your way out." I turn around and leave Kenny staring at me as I go to my room.

—Kenny POV—

She goes upstairs leaving me staring at her. A part of me wants to chase her and another part seriously wants to go to the bathroom with a magazine. Putting my mask back on I lock her back door and leave through the front. The blush still hot in my face as I sprint home.

Hope you guys have a nice Valentine's Day!


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