Welcome Back

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—Your POV—

I wake up in my room filled with boxes that need to be unpacked. I sit up and look outside to see the snowy ground of South Park. (y/n) it feels great to be back. Tomorrow will be your first day of high school and I'll see my old friends again.

I walk away from the window and decide to head outside. I put on a (s/f/c) shirt and  (f/c) jacket on with your matching hat. As I go down the stairs I see mom and dad unpacking in the living room. "Hey (y/n)!" I turn to see mom stop what she was doing and walk to you.

"Are you sure that's warm enough? Maybe you should get something warmer." "I'm fine mom. I won't be out long anyway. I'll just walk to Tweak's Bros. Coffee and grab some hot chocolate or something then be back." "Okay sweetie. Please be back soon."

I smile and hug her and put my (c) boots on and leave. I feel the cold nip at my nose and shiver a bit and smiles. It's been a while since I've felt this amazing cold weather since you were dying from heat strokes everywhere else.  Though everywhere the air was hard to breath the cold was a bit better.

Before I realize, I reached Tweak's Bros. Coffee and enter. "W-w-welcome to Tweak's coffee! H-how can I help you?" I see the same twitchy Tweek and smile. "Hi Tweek! Long time no see!" He looks at me a bit confused. "It's (f/n) (L/n)! I'm back in town!" He looks surprised at me. His eyes change a bit when he recognizes me and he smiles a bit. "H-hi (y/n)! It's been awhile!" "Yeah! Hey can I get hot chocolate please?" "S-Sure. Your total will be five dollars." I take a five from my wallet and give it to him. "S-so why are you back in t-town?" "Because I missed this country bumpkin town! I also find it easiest to breath here."

He smiles and goes back to work while I go to one of the tables and sprawl out on the table like a little kid. The shop smells of coffee and is very warm. I feel my self start to doze off when Tweek comes with my hot chocolate. "H-here you go (y/n)." "Thanks Tweek!" I put my cold hands on the cup and feel it warming them up. You let out a sigh of relief. "This is perfect..."

You start to think of of meeting your friends again and hanging with them. Kyle, he's the smart one in the group with a realistic look at everything, Stan, he's kinda a idiot but he's nice and is Kyles super best friend, then Cartman. I don't think he likes me that much but we got along fine when it came to it, even if he's a ass to everyone. Last is Kenny. My pervy but very caring friend.

I start to drink my hot chocolate when I hear a tingle of the stores bells. I turn to see Craig enter. We never talked much but I honestly, since the fight between him and Tweek, I sorta ship them. Before I see what happens I see Craig walk up to Tweek and kiss him on the cheek. I nearly choke on my hot chocolate and I see Tweek blush making me fan girl on the inside.

I turn away so it doesn't look like I'm watching and I clinch my fist in joy. After I regain my composer I go back to acting like nothing happened and continue to drink my hot chocolate. I turn again to see that Craig left and that Tweek looked red like a tomato. Dang Tweek is so cute. I always though he was cute, but not in the aspect of me liking him. I finish my hot chocolate and throw my cup away. "Thanks Tweek! I'll see ya at school tomorrow!" I wave and leave as he waves back.

I start heading back home and see that it's kinda late now. Dang how long did it take me to calm down? I start to walk a bit faster but not to fast and bump into someone. "O-ow... S-Sorry!" I don't look at who it is and start to head home. I speed up my walking a bit more to be more like a light jog.

I hear foot steps behind me and decide to make a detour into the park. No one is there and I make a turn to go down the path that heads to the neighborhood. As you turn I catch a glimpse of the person following me.

They have a hood on and seem to be drunk by the way they walk. I turn down the street and start to head back to my house and make sure to keep a safe distance from them. I start wheezing a bit and slow down a little. I reach my house and entered its safety. "Dang... I need to be careful." I take my boots off and go upstairs to my room.

I see my room still filled with boxes and decide to unpack some. The first box I open I see the picture of the 5 of us. I smile and place it in my desk. Tomorrow I'll see everyone again. I can't wait!

A Fixer Upper [Kenny x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now