Kyle's Love

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—Your POV—

A two weeks have passed since the kiss with Kenny happened and I'm sorta been avoiding him since. It's not that I don't want to see him, it's just that I can't face him at the moment.

I knock in the door to the green house that Kyle lives in and wait for someone to answer. When the door opens I'm greeted by Kyle's younger adopted brother Ike.

"Hi Ike!" "Hi (y/n)." "Wait you actually remember me?!" My eyes widen and I look him in the eye. "Of course I would remember you. Kyle made a big deal when you first moved back." I feel my self blush a tad from embarrassment. "R-really?"

"Yeah. I have to say thank you. He hasn't been to happy for the past few years, but you coming made him happy." I see Ike smile at me and I can't help but smile with him. "Hey. I actually want to talk to you real quick before Kyle, is that okay?"

"Kyle is actually helping mom with groceries so I don't mind." "Thanks!" I enter and sit on the couch with Ike.

I look around and don't see to much of a change in the house besides some photos switched with newer ones and a big Creek photo on the wall next to the tv that I can't help but stare at.

"Uh... (y/n)?" I turn to him. "Yes Ike?" "What were you doing?" "What do you mean?" He looks around hesitantly. "You were making this weird sound. It was like a crazy person trying to hide his laugh." I think an realize what he means.

"Oh I'm sorry! That's my fan girl laugh." He looks at me understandingly. "Oh. So your like the Asian girls?" I nod my head. "Similar to that."

"So what did you want to talk about?" You look around a bit guilty to talk about this with his brother and not Kyle him self. "Like you said. Kyle does seem depressed. I was wondering what made him change like that. He used to be more open and energetic."

"I think it's when Stan got drunk at a party in middle school..." I look at Ike in surprise. "He drank alcohol at a middle school party?" "Yeah. Since the fourth grade Stan drinks at a lot of the party's once they were old enough. He has a bad habit of getting drunk though."

I sigh a bit disappointed at Stan. "So what exactly happened?" "I think he told Kyle to screw off and that he wasn't really his friend. I also think he accused Kyle for liking him more then a friend should in front of everyone at the party."

"Well I do believe that would do that." "What's worst is that I think Stan kissed him another time while he was drunk again." I stare at Ike and feel the rage building in me. "Well, seems my work is cut it for me. Thanks Ike. Last thing. What's your opinion if Kyle was to date Stan?"

Ike looks at me like I was crazy. "Hypothetically speaking." He closes his eyes as if he was thinking and then opens them. "If it makes Kyle happy and doesn't hurt him, then I would be perfectly fine with it. I have nothing against gays. If dating Stan makes Kyle happy, then that's okay." It always amazes me how mature Ike is for his age. I hug him and squill a bit in joy.

"I shall play match maker!!!" I stand up and do a victory pose as the door opens revealing Kyle and Miss.Broflovski. "Oh! Hi Kyle! I came to hang with you today!"

He looks surprised and looks at Ike. He waves at him and smirks. "Ike how did you know she was my friend?" Ike pokes my side. "She acts to much like the Asian girls then any bully bitch I know of." Kyle giggles and I look at Ike with a fake hurt look. "Oh how mean!"

I turn to Kyle and grab his hands once he puts the groceries in the kitchen. I turn to miss Broflovski "May I steak your son to his room for the rest of my say please?" She laughs a bit. "Sure (y/n)! You always did play with Kyle before you moved. Don't let the time stop you."

I smile wide and practically drag Kyle to his room. "THANKS!!!" When we enter I slam the door shut and lock it. I turn to Kyle and he gives me a frightened look. "(Y/n)?!"

I feel my fangirl grin on my face and quickly try to hide it as the giggling starts. I cough and it stops. "Okay! I stopped! Can't scare you!"

He sits in his bed and I sit on the chair to his desk and I smile. "So why did you come here for? You usually give some heads up before you come over." My smile disappears and I awkwardly twiddly my fingers.

"I might be avoiding Kenny." I puff my cheeks a bit and as Kyle gives me a shocked look. "Why?" I hesitantly think of a strategy of how to explain. "I'll tell you if you honestly tell me your feelings for Stan. Seem fair? I'll also tell you why I'm avoiding him so hard too."

Kyle looks at me his eyes wide with fear. He starts to bite his lip and scratch at his arm a bit. "Hey Kyle. Remember I don't care if your gay. Your Kyle to me and always will be. So what if you like guys or not."

Kyle relaxes a bit and sighs. "I do like Stan... I don't know when it started but I do like him in a desiring way." I Cover my mouth as I feel the fan girl start to show and start shivering in all my attempts to hide it. "He gives me a look like he is annoyed to see me fan girling over him.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it. It's like reflex at this point!" He sighs and smiles a bit. "It's a sign your happy about it so it's not a bad thing."

I smile and giggle a bit. "Yeah. So it's my turn."
I take a breath and sigh. "Remember That karaoke night we had? Well he spent the night." Kyle gives me the look that says 'did you'll have sex?' "No we didn't have sex!" I feel my face burn from the blush. "I kissed him on the lips and ran into my room. Since then I've kinda been to embarrassed to look him in the face..."

I look away from Kyle and hear quite snickering that was growing loader and turned into full on laughter. "W-what?!" I turn to see Kyle laughing. "Well you did say you were avoiding him! But I never thought you would be one to do that!"

"W-what does that mean?! It was my first kiss!" He stops laughing for a bit and starts to laugh more. "Kyle!!!" I whine and tart to lightly hit him as he continues to laugh. Soon enough I'm laughing too seeing I was being very silly. I knew coming to Kyle was the best choice. He always cheers me up when the others can't. But that just means I have to help him even more!

I need to make sure he becomes happy!

Thanks guys for 50 views! I know it's a small number but it makes me feel happy! Especially saying this is only my second story!
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