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Kurt's bedroom is basked in a natural, dusky light as a quiet Saturday afternoon draws to a close. There's a candle, just one, because Blaine absolutely insisted on lighting it and protesting was futile. Soft, mostly forgotten music filters through Kurt's iPod speakers but otherwise the house is quiet, all other family members gone somewhere neither of them care about. Clothes scatter the room in telling patterns, Blaine's forgotten on the floor and Kurt's draped carefully over a chair.

The boys lay tangled in the center of Blaine's double bed, limbs intertwined with limbs and mouths and lips and tongues undistinguishable from each other. They've been driving each other crazy, lazily kissing and touching and revving each other up for at least an hour, and the proof is evident when their erections - hard and full - press into each other.

"Blaine," Kurt moans when Blaine's mouth leaves his and finds the spot - that spot - just under Kurt's ear.

Blaine possessively flips them so he's on top of Kurt, repositions his leg in between Kurt's, and thrusts again, this time harder, while claiming Kurt's mouth.

"Wanna make you come," Blaine breathes into Kurt's ear.

Kurt nods.

"Wanna make you come hard," Blaine clarifies.

"Mmhmm," Kurt says, because he's already somehow devoid of speech.

Blaine continues thrusting into Kurt, weaving his fingers through Kurt's perfect, soft hair. He whispers directly into Kurt's ear. "Wanna make you come so hard you pass out, Kurt, want you to forget your name."

"I-oomph," he's is cut off when Blaine runs his thumb through the precum at the slit of Kurt's almost painfully hard cock.

Blaine's not done. "Want make you come so hard it almost hurts, Kurt...want to make you scream."

"Then fuck me, Blaine," Kurt whines.


Kurt looks up at him wonderingly, a little hurt, because they haven't been doing this long enough to know what "no" means and he can't decide if he should be insulted.


Blaine backs off of Kurt, sitting instead on his heels at the edge of his bed. Kurt leans up on his elbows and waits for...whatever it is Blaine is about to say.

"I want..." Blaine begins. "I want to try something."

And that is familiar. I want to try tying you up...I want to try rimming...I want to try using toys...Blaine is adventurous. Kurt is becoming adventurous.

"Okay," Kurt encourages.

Blaine stretches casually across Kurt and into his bedside table, fumbling through its contents before his fingertips land on what he's looking for. He extracts an outdated magazine with crumpled pages that make it appear thicker than it is and turns immediately to the desired page.

"What's this?" Kurt asks curiously.

"Magazine," Blaine answers.

"I can see that, Blaine," Kurt responds in some sort of patented, slightly sarcastic tone. "Why is it on your bed?"

Blaine takes an unsure glance at the page he's been fixated on for months now before reluctantly handing it over to his boyfriend. Kurt cautiously takes it, turns it to face him, and reads the first few sentences before glancing up at Blaine, expression worryingly unreadable.

"Orgasm denial?" Kurt says, and he hopes that didn't sound judgmental because they're young and new things are supposed to be interesting, but they still scare him.

Klaine Smut Where stories live. Discover now