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As soon as Blaine had shut the door, he found himself pressed up against it, the warmth pressing into his chest sharply contrasting from the coldness of the door his back was pressed into. He hadn't even had time to take a breath before Kurt's lips met his and he couldn't believe this had happened. Blaine could feel how desperate, how full of want and need and lust Kurt's kiss was. And it was fucking amazing. He returned the kiss with as much passion as he possibly could, and he smirked just a little when he felt Kurt moan into the kiss. The pale boy pulled his lips from Blaine's, and the shorter boy pouted from the loss. Kurt wasn't done, though. Soon Blaine felt lips against his jaw, and when they passed over his pulse point, the olive-skinned boy couldn't stop the moan that passed between his parted lips. He felt Kurt smirk into his neck, and soon Kurt was biting and sucking at that one patch of skin and fuck that felt good.

"Kurt... god, Kurt," was all Blaine could say or think as Kurt worked at making a hickey that would mark Blaine as his, and at that moment Blaine really didn't care that the Dalton uniform wasn't going to cover the bruise that was already forming.

Kurt looked at his handiwork, and, satisfied with the shade of purple he had turned Blaine's olive skin, he brought his lips up to Blaine's and felt the warm, soft lips meet his, matching exactly how much passion he put into the kiss. He ran his tongue along Blaine's lower lip, and vaguely remembered drunk Rachel and her comment on how awesome Blaine's face tastes. She was right, he thought, and soon Blaine's mouth was open and their tongues were wrestling and Kurt must have won because Blaine's tongue had stilled and Kurt could taste coffee and Red Vines (he still didn't get why Blaine liked them so much), and then something that could only be described as Blaine. It was musky, salty, yet kind of sweet. And it tasted awesome. He explored every inch of Blaine's mouth, trying to get as much of that taste as he possibly could. Kurt pulled away once more, and smiled softly as Blaine whimpered from the loss.

"That was... unexpected." Blaine tried to catch his breath, but having Kurt there did nothing to help.

"Yeah, but judging by the noises you were making, you thoroughly enjoyed that."

Blaine glanced down and blushed. He was hard from that kiss. If I'm hard from that, how will I be able to- no, Kurt's a baby penguin. No way he'd want to go that far right now. Unless...

"Kurt, can I ask you something?"

Kurt's smirk changed into a frown of confusion. "Of course you can, you know I won't be mad."

"Um, have you been waiting for me to make the first move? Because I've been waiting for you. I didn't want to push you so I figured I'd let you set the pace. But that can change if you want."

"I didn't want to ruin the relationship by going too fast, so I've been waiting for you. I just couldn't take our relationship being at a standstill any more. That's why I was so intense before. I wanted you so badly, you have absolutely no idea what you do to me, Blaine. I'm ready to go further. Really, I am."

"Kurt, are you sure? Because you don't have to. I can wait. But if you want me to set the pace, I need to know how far you're willing to go."

"Um, I'm not really sure, but we can use a safeword in case one of us isn't ready for a step. Stop will still mean stop but in emergencies... how about... Armani?"

Blaine smiled at Kurt's ability to incorporate fashion into just about everything. "Armani's perfect, babe."

In that instant, Kurt decided he really liked being called babe. "Armani it is, though I don't think I'll ever be able to look at that brand in quite the same way ever again."

Blaine captured Kurt's lips in a fiery kiss, showing all the passion he was too afraid to reveal just one hour earlier. He ran his tongue along Kurt's bottom lip, and Kurt hadn't even realized he'd opened his lips before he felt Blaine's tongue in his mouth and all attempts at thinking were replaced with Blaine's name and various curses.

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